what are my chances for cmu?

<p>im a high school junior with a 92.3 gpa. though its gonna go downnn after junior year.
my sat II math ic sucks. 610. though i think i will be able to get 700+ on sat II physics and us history. Didnt take sat I. i dont think i'll do so well on it though. 1300s?
3 aps so far...
and my ECs are varsity gymnastics. mvp for 2 years. guarenteed captain next year.
all county orchestra, all state orchestra, all eastern orchestra
concertmistress in hs orchestras next year. and placed in a bunch of music competitions.</p>

<p>i want to go to cmu for double major in music and enginneering.
other schools i might want to go would be nyu, bing, and...cornell?</p>

<p>please tell me if theses schools would be a match or reach</p>

<p>Well, if you are going to do engineering, they are most likely going to look at your Math IC score. That might bring you down because most of the students who attend Carnegie Mellon get over 700. However, being an all state musician will definitely help you if you are doing music. Also, it helps that you will be captain of your gymnastics team. </p>

<p>I think NYU is a match, SUNY Binghamton is a safety, Carnegie Mellon is a reach/match, and Cornell is a reach.</p>

<p>3.6 unweighted
770 math IC, 740 ushistory, 700 writing
amazing ec's(probably one good reason) with 2 jobs, 300+ hours community service, and about 10 clubs and activities.
amazing recommendations (I actually read them and edited some)
great essays and rising trend in gpa also helped me alot</p>

<p>Accepted into : Tepper (CMU '09)</p>

<p>You have around my stats except a lower SAT I but still you have a higher gpa i think? Anways, tepper and CIT are about the same selectivity and I know students at my school who got in with about my stats into CIT.</p>

<p>Write great essays and you'll get in.</p>

<p>By the way, i talked with alot of cmu students and they say double majoring is suicide so be careful and make sure you can handle the work. It might be easy for you cuz you're doing music but I dunno how easy or hard music majors are.</p>

<p>yeah CMU's workload is crazy</p>