What are my chances for Cornell, Berkeley, etc...?

<p>Schools I'm applying are:
UC Berkeley
Swarthmore college
UNC chapel hill</p>

<p>HS: public
Ethnicity: Asian
Financial aid: yes
GPA: (4.7+ W)(3.8 W)
Rank: top 15 students out of 376</p>

<p>Freshman year
- English 9 honors (B)
- Geometry honors (A)
- Environmental science honors (A)
- World history honors (B+)
- Physical science honors (A)
- Health/PE (A)
- Band (A)</p>

<p>Sophomore year
- English 10 Ap-prep (B)
- Pre-calculus honors (A)
- Biology honors (A)
- Chemistry honors (A)
- Ap physics B (A)
- Civics/Economics honors (A)
- Band (A)</p>

<p>Junior year
- Ap english 11 (B)
- Ap calculus AB (A)
- Ap calculus BC (A)
- Ap chemistry (A)
- Ap music theory (A)
- Ap earth/environmental science (A)
- Spanish 1 (A)
- Band (A)</p>

<p>Senior year
- Ap english 12
- Ap statistics
- U.S. History honors
- Spanish 2
- Band honors
- Ap psychology
- Astronomy (college-based course) or peer tutor in physics
- Ap european history </p>

<p>Test scores:
PSAT: 190 (+36 from last year) (54 CR)(80 M)(54 W)
ACT: 26 (23 E)(35 M)(21 R)(25 S)(essay: 9)
AP: Physics B (3), Calculus BC (?), Chemistry (?), Music Theory (?), Env Science (?)
SAT subject: 780 math level 2 (Plan on taking physics next year)</p>

<p>Extracurricular activities:
- I play the french horn for school band for 4 years.
- Marching band for 1 year.
- Jazz band (3 years)
- Chess club (3.5 years)
- Math club
- Bible club
- Interact club
- Peer tutor (mainly math and physics)</p>

- National Beta club
- National Society of High School Scholars
- National Honor Society
- Junior Marshall (honors for top 15 students in class)
- All-district band and all-county band.
- NC Governor's school
- Geometry honors award
- Selected to attend Summer Ventures (Math and Science program) in the summer</p>

<p>No chances whatsoever, right??!</p>

<p>What are your SAT scores? PSAT and ACT are low for Cornell. I really don't know much about the other schools to comment.</p>

<p>An improvement of 36 points on the PSAT is commendable at the least.</p>

<p>Cornell is terrible towards international financial aid candidates from East Asia. Swarthmore isn't much better because it doesn't extend its need-blind financial aid policy to international students. Your qualifications are commendable, yet I would advise you to apply to different private colleges. I don't know how Berkeley and UNC treats international students.</p>

<p>Are you international? If you're an American from NC, that's bad for admission to Berkeley. It's really hard to get in OOS. Don't know how it is for internationals.</p>

<p>You have the grades(maybe not Berk because it is impossible to get in out of State) for all of the schools, but you will likely not get in because of your SAT scores. I would suggest studying like crazy for the SAT's because a 540 on the critical reading will kill your chances at Cornell. I want to say that this can be done with adequate practice. I went from a 55 on the psat this year to a 640 on my first SAT to a 710 on the second.</p>

<p>this is rough. you've got an amazing gpa
but im not sure about your psat + act. your ec's don't seem to stand out too much
do you have anything planned for this summer?
what were your AP scores?</p>