What are my chances for CS at Purdue

SAT 1450 (Math 780, Reading and Writing 670) GPA 3.93 UW, 4.71 W OOS student
The only B’s i got were in Freshman year, I took double math classes- Geometry 2nd semester B, Algebra 2 1st semester B, 2nd Semester was also a B. Earned an A in Precalculus, Calc BC, AP Physics 1 and AP Computer Science.

AP Courses: 2 sophomore year
5 junior year
4 senior year

Chess Club 9-12, Officer 10-12
JV Chess player 9-12, 3rd place in the region 11th grade
Track and Field 9th and 10th, JV
Interact Club, member 9th and 10th, President 11th and 12th
Ran the Crutches 4 Africa Drive
American Society for Civil Engineers Club, VP 11th and 12th
Delegate Scholarship to RYLA-Leadership camp
Counselor Scholarship to RYLA
Represented my club at the Interact District Conference
1st degree Black Belt in Taekwondo
Aeronautics Club, student senate representative 12th
Interact District Council, Assistant Governor 12th
Red Cross 11th and 12th
NHS 11th and 12th
Certificate of Merit for University of New Mexico for PSAT score (1420)

Do I have a chance for the CS program?

Wondering if I am competitive for the CS program since I cant find any statistics regarding applicants to their CS program. Any Help would be appreciated!
Also forgot to mestion, places 8th in State for Quizbowl novice, and my team was in 1st place in our novice division (11th).

CS doesn’t publish stats but it’s become harder to get in than engineering. The average engineering student last cycle had a 32 ACT and a 3.9 GPA. I’ve also heard that the acceptance rate for CS was about 25%.

@momofsenior1 @gautamsethi1 Purdue CS publicly displays their CS stats on a HUGE poster in the CS building on campus. We saw it last week. They had 4500+ applicants last year for 330 freshman spots. There are 1800 total CS students enrolled. The acceptance rate is 28%. It’s a big deal for them to show they are selective. I’ve never seen another school have signage like that in the lobby.

Thanks for sharing that @TytoAlba. We didn’t see that when we were there touring two years ago. Makes sense though based on what we are hearing. The engineering college is also forthcoming with their stats.