What are my chances for Exeter

<p>Hi, I really want to go to Phillips Exeter, and I just want to know my chances of getting in.</p>

I go to scarsdale high school, which is one of the best public ranked high school in the country. I get about A-B in all honors or advanced classes. I am a freshmen</p>

Math- 94
reading- 86
overall-94 idk
I'm taking it again b.c well it can't hurt</p>

<p>Extra curriculur
Taek wondo do- 10 years
Football- up for varsity next year 2 years
flute- 6 years
korean drums- 4 years
model UN
debate - 3 years
Archery-3 years
Zen/Dharma teacher- 2 years
Shotput- 2 years</p>

<p>Awards and recognition
Taek won do- 3rd degree black, sparring and forms champoion in korea
Flute- wind ensomble
Korean drums- select team for Korea town
Zen-dharma- I am a legal teacher who can teach meditation and dharma and do so in a zen cneter in nyc nd nj
poetry- Got 3 poems published in a book</p>

I also went to their summer school program if that helps, and really connected with my iterviwer, I still talk to her</p>

<p>You stand a pretty good chance. It is not really necessary to retake the SSAT’s but it most likely will not hurt your score. If you’re Korean you’re going to have to try extra hard because they only except around 10, well at least for coming in as a 9th grader. The numbers may be lower when you’re applying for a 10th grader. But other than that you stand an execellent chance. Did you complete your app. or essays yet? Good luck.</p>

<p>Oh, wow only 10 koreans that sucks. I’m doing my apps right now. Hahah but I was talking to my inteviwer and she told me that I’m more american then korean =p/ w.e i am applying for 10 th grade, so we’ll see how it goes</p>