what are my chances for milton/groton?

<p>im not anything really special. got a 89 percentile last year overall with 99 percentile math, low 80s writing and 70s-80s reading (dont remember). im going to take the ssats this january. im a freshmen applying for sophomore year. i've played soccer for a long time but im not anything spectacular (i got tendinitis at the end of my freshmen season). did a little track in middle school. 10th grade ap math (alg 2/trig/precalc), ap spanish, honors everything else b/c those were the only ap classes offered at my school. im in the asian club and the red cross club. i go to korean school (fluent with immigrant parents who are half fluent english speakers), and i volunteer weekly by teaching math to younger kids. i took the AMC8 in 7th and 8th grade...i dont remember what i got but i was on the honors thing for both years. got As and a few A-s in middle school except for one B+. straight As for first quarter of freshmen year except for a B in math, but since thats 10th grade AP i think its ok. teachers may say that im not motivated in classes but thats mostly b/c im bored. violin since 4th grade, piano since kindergarten, nothing too big b/c i havent been in contests and such. i think my essays will be good, my interview with milton was a little awkward but ok, and i havent had my groton interview yet. i made the john hopkins math honors society and im planning on attending one of the summer programs this summer. ooh and i was in a musical last year (the wiz). i plan on learning japanese and majoring in math, english, or science. frankly, i havent been very spectacular but i dont know anything about contests...so what are my chances?</p>

oh and i was voted the best mathematician in middle school</p>

<p>hah you’re pretty much like me, except I’m not nearly as good at math… ><</p>

<p>I think you look great</p>

<p>Erm… how is Alg 2/Trig/Precal AP math? The AP maths are calculus and statistics. You’re good at math and yet you get a B in it. Not good in my opinion. You don’t seem to be very motivated and that could get you rejected.</p>