<p>It’s hard to say without knowing which classes you’ve taken. Maybe type your course progression in a comment?</p>
<p>Okay here are my classes:)
English 1h. A-
Global studies A-
Geometry h A
Photo A
Bio B
Spirit self and spirituality A (required since I go to catholic school)
French A-
English 2 H- B
World history AP-B
Algebra 2 h-A
Gospel choices and stories-A
11th (so far and probably for the rest of the year)
Trig/precalc h - A-
Peace and social justice-A
Us history- A
Ap environmental science-A
Journalism- A
French 3- B
English 3 AP-A
Senior year classes
Gov AP
English 4 AP
Calc ab ap
Physics h
I will appreciate Any tips or comments
Thank you:)</p>
<p>Bump. Anyone? Please?</p>
<p>A 32 is great, but somewhat low for ivies. 34+ would be ideal. I think 33 would be ok as well. Your GPA is a bit low, though.</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure that my GPA will be a 4.2 when I apply to college and ill try to raise my act to a 33 or higher. Do you think that my extracurriculars on the fort page could make up for that?</p>
<p>How about my chances for NYU and BC? Thank you:)</p>
<p>B u m p. anyone any suggestions? Thank you.</p>