What are my chances for the UC's?

Hi everyone! As a senior about to start my final year of high school, I was wondering what my chances would be for the UC colleges. I have the following stats as of now.

4.08 gpa W
3.95 gpa UW
29 act
2 soon to be 3 years of track and field
School symphony player since 6th grade
1 year in school Leadership program
2 years in school Link Crew program

My main choices are Santa Barbara and Davis, so I’d like to hear your opinions on my chances there and the rest of the UC’s. Thanks!

Your test score is excellent, but your GPA is average for UC Davis and UC Santa Barbara. You have good chances, however the competition is really fierce at those UCs. You will be competing with students who have the same ACT, but with GPAs higher than a 4.2. I think you will get in, but don’t count on it. Write the best essay you possibly can and be sure to apply to safeties like UC Irvine, UC Santa Cruz, UC Riverside, and UC Merced. I wish you all the best!

Intended major?


Thanks! Hope luck is on my side.

You are within range for UCD and UCSB but no guarantees. You need to have a few solid Match and safety schools. I agree with @emory323 that you should add UCSC/UCI/UCR and/ Or UCM to your list.
UCSD/UCB/UCLA are Reaches unless you bump up your ACT.
Also look at some Cal states: SDSU/Cal poly SLO/Long Beach and Fullerton

You have a good shot at both of your target campuses but, as others note above, be sure to apply broadly to preserve options this spring.

Alright thank you for your input and advice!