What are my chances for these schools?

Chances for:
Barnard College (Columbia)
University of Michigan
Carnegie Mellon
Boston College
Boston University
American University
Penn State

The gpa and standardized test scores are estimates I made on what I believe I’ll have by the end of the first quarter of senior year based of what I have right now.

Age: 17, From MD, Ethnicity: Hispanic & African American, Upper-Middle class, no financial aid needed

weighted gpa: 3.9
act: 32-33
sat: 1400

Special programs: attend a recognized school (creator of google went here) in the magnet Science & Technology Program

Total AP classes: 11
Freshman year: 0 aps (not allowed), all honors classes, Alg 1
Sophomore: all honors, AP Gov (didn’t pass the exam, got a 2), Geometry (only class with a C on my transcript)
Junior: AP World History, AP Chemistry, AP Language & Composition, all honors, Alg 2 and Trig
(will be taking AP statistics and a multicultural studies class online over the summer)
Senior: AP Biology, AP Literature, AP Psychology, AP Human Geography, RP (Research Practicum, weighted class at my school b/c of the workload, year-long research project), Pre-Calc

Art Club
Imara Roose (mentoring program for young black girls, I was a mentee)
President of the Students for Social Justice club (which I started)
Honors Film Association
Japanese National Honor Society
STEM mentor to incoming 9th graders in the STEM program at my school
Junior civitan club (community service/recycling)
Helped with spirit week decorations
Drama tech (sewed skirts for characters in our Grease production)
(Possibly NHS, not sure If I’ll be accepted yet)
Art featured in Operation Consent art show (targets the normalization of rape culture based on race, class, and gender)

Summer Activities for my summer before senior year:
Summer Job
Volunteering for three non-profit orginzations: one for helping African American men be better fathers (org led by my step dad), organization helping homeless LGBT youth, and org helping black men with aids
Possibly ACLU Summer Institute (not sure if I will be accepted yet)
Track and Field for Boys and Girls Club (will be competing/traveling)
Taking online summer classes for AP Statistics and multicultural classes or possibly taking classes at a local university
More art shows

Your stats do not match the stats you posted on 2/10/16 in your other thread. In fact they are quite different,

That’s because I said above that the gpa/act/sat are predictions of what I’ll have by the time I apply.


I also just changed my course options for next year and was offered new opportunities for volunteer work.

To get from your current stats to your predicted stats will take a lot of hard work.

@TomSrOfBoston Yeah I’m aware, I know what I’m capable of.

Come back when you have actual scores and GPA, not just predictions. Since you are OOS for many of the schools, how much can your parents pay for you to attend, especially UCLA at $55K/year with no financial aid?

@Gumbymom I’m not eligble for financial aid. Thanks for the advice.

bump, can sound give me a response that isn’t rude. If you’re going to say my stats don’t match my previous posts please also read how the previous gpa is unweighted and this is weighted, that I said I am taking summer classes to boost my gpa even further, that ap classes are WEIGHTED, and that these are predictions of what I’ll have by senior year.

@TomSrOfBoston and @GumbyMom are really good sources of information. They have lots of personal experience with their respective regional universities. They weren’t really being rude, they were trying to clarify information for you.

Amongst the major universities, the first thing the colleges look at are your test scores and unweighted GPA. Without confirmed test scores, it would be anyone’s guess, thats why @Gumbymom and @TomSrOfBoston asked.

The UC’s and most California private schools don’t use weighted grades, and, a number of the privates you’ve listed don’t use weighted scores. They recalculate your GPA according to your current grades and AP classes. Since you will be applying at the beginning of Senior year, your senior AP classes won’t be included in the calculations. The UC’s don’t accept weighted honors points from OOS students. Also, the UC’s can’t use affirmative action to admit students; it’s against the law in California, so grades and scores are the main litmus tests.

It’s hard to chance students with estimates of scores especially when the SAT has changed.

@“aunt bea” ok thank you and I thought first quarter senior gpa was calculated, that’s what every senior told me at my school because first quarter grades are already published by the time we apply by January 1

Most schools will consider Senior year 1st semester/quarter grades, but the UC’s are the exception. UC’s will only use 10-11th grades in their GPA calculation. Freshman and Senior grades are used to determine if you meet the a-g course requirements and to maintain provisional admission. The only reason I always ask OOS applicants about affordability is that many applicants are not aware of the costs of the California UC’s and will apply, get accepted and then are shocked that they are unaffordable. I suggest you run the Net Price Calculators on all the schools prior to spending the money to apply. You have a long list and cost is one factor that could help eliminate a few schools.

Again, I do not mean to be rude, but you are asking for chances and using predicted scores/GPA etc… Which is not realistic. When you have official stats and maybe a revised college list, come back and ask again. Good Luck.

Also, the application period, for the UCs, is November 1-30. It’s a lot earlier than most schools and most students apply earlier rather than later.

As parents, who have been through this process several times, we know that you’ll be very busy in your Senior AP classes in the fall. Getting your university list streamlined, with safeties, is important, in order for you to meet deadlines and you have to have your scores ready to send from the College Board to those schools. Also, you will be revising your essays in your AP Lit class; the essay can make or break you so, as parents, we know you won’t have a lot of time in fall of senior year.

Most juniors take the SAT in October, of their junior year, to see if they will qualify for National Merit Scholarships. If not, then there will be more opportunities to retake the tests and bump up the SAT/ACT scores to be competitive for schools like the ones you’ve listed.