<p>Thanks for input in advance
A summary of my standing, it's honestly not to brag as there are waay better colleagues out there :P</p>
<p>Freshman GPA: 3.5 nonweighted
Sophomore GPA: 4.0 weighted [AP Euro ]
Junior GPA: 4.83 weighted [ APUSH, AP EngLang, AP Bio, AP World, AP CalcAB, Spanish3 ]
Senior- AP Lit, AP Spanish, AP Stats, AP Gov, AP Calc BC</p>
<p>SAT: 1910 -> hope to score over 2000 in October.
SAT II: U.S History- 780, World- 680 , Bio- 600 LOL. I plan to take Math II and score at least a 710.</p>
<li>In the top 4% of my class</li>
<li>First generation college student</li>
<li>I'm a CA Resident
(I think. It's if my parents are both born in Vietnam but I'm not, right?)</li>
<p>Sport: JV Tennis (Sophomore/Junior), definitely Varsity Tennis for Senior. Tennis Manager.</p>
<p>Other: California Boy's State Delegate (Got state position), CSF 100+hours, NHS 100+ hours, Key Club Vice President 150+ hours, 3years of working at a catering place 11hours a week, and misc. catholic church involvement.</p>
<p>I really hope I get into one of these colleges :x.
Thanks again!</p>
<p>Update: I’m a AP Scholar with Distinction now.</p>
<p>AP Euro: 4
AP English Lang: 4
AP Biology:3
AP World : 4</p>
<p>If someone could chance that’d be great! I’d chance back !</p>
<p>Are you considering other colleges? You seem a match for UCI and UCSD !</p>
<p>What is your cumulative unweighted GPA?</p>
<p>Yeah I’m going to apply to a couple other UCs and Stanford as a reach.</p>
<p>9-11th GPA cumulative weighted/unweighted: 4.15 ~ 3.74
10th-11th GPA cumulative weighted/unweighted: 4.39 ~3.78</p>
<p>I have summer school of two semesters so my gpa should rise with two extra A’s.</p>
<p>Your grades have improved greatly since freshman year, so colleges will like that. Your AP Scores are good (I talked to an admissions counselor from UC Davis and she said AP scores are reviewed and can only help you). I would say you’re a match for UCLA!</p>
<p>I think UCLA and UC Berkeley are a bit of a reach for you. Your grades did improve throughout the years (which colleges will like) but your cumulative GPA is weak. It definitely doesn’t help that you’re Asian. Your ECs are on par seeing that you have a state level leadership position.
If you write good essays, you have a shot.
Chance me back please
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1365837-help-me-out-chances-cal-upenn-others.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1365837-help-me-out-chances-cal-upenn-others.html</a></p>
<p>stats in term of GPA and SAT are lacking which many schools value a lot. Get that GPA up senior year and really crack down on SAT this summer and you’d be a strong applicant.</p>
<p>chance back? <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1367233-chance-top-20-schools.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1367233-chance-top-20-schools.html</a></p>
<p>Do you think I’d get into one or the other ? I’m retaking SAT, got two tries and aiming for 2100. If I got into UCLA and Berkeley, I might end up picking LA cause I love SoCal persona. If I got into only Berkeley but not LA I would be content. If neither Id be sad
HAHAHA. On another note, my friends say I have a good shot at UCSD and UCSB as safetys but I’m not as confident.</p>
<p>Does major help when applying? I might put history or math as a major and switch later.</p>
<p>Uhm, UC’s don’t consider race in admissions.</p>
<p>Yeah, Race isn’t ‘considered’ in admissions. But colleges do try to be more diverse and have a set quota in mind all due to the days of affirmative action which some people call reverse racism which was later rid of.</p>
<p>I think you have a pretty good chance at UCLA; Berkeley is a reach though. Your GPA is good and I think colleges will like that you improved from freshman year. I also think that your ECs are really good; you don’t have a whole laundry list of them but you seem very dedicated to the ones that you do. Chance me back? <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1367096-chance-me-ucla.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1367096-chance-me-ucla.html</a></p>