What Are My Chances for UC's/CSU's?

Hello I was wondering what my chances are to get into the following UC’s/CSU’s :slight_smile:
Heres the list that goes from first priority to last priority:

  1. UCSB
  2. UCI
  3. UCLA
  4. UCSD
  5. UCD
  6. SDSU
  7. CSULB
  8. Cal Poly SLO
  9. Cal Poly Pomona
  10. UCSC
  11. UCM
  12. CSUF
  13. UCR

Low Income family (<31,000) EFC=1,450
Race: Asian, Female
Major: Political Science besides CPSLO CPP & UCI I applied as a criminology major
Eligibility Index for Cal Sates:4,484
Weighted GPA: 3.97
UC/Cal States GPA: 3.88
SAT: 1380 w/21 writing score

12 years Art Academy (Portfolio at and)
5 years badminton, 3 years in HS (Varsity all 3 years)
4 years Kokua Lima Community Service Club (Vice President and Art Chair)
4 years ERAS (Secretary and Art Chair)
1 year speech and debate (9 awards 7 being 1st place awards)
1 year sophomore committee (Planned prom and sadies/ did funds etc)
1 year ASB (Director of Publicity)

Here are the 2017 UC admission rates by UC-recalculated weighted-capped GPA:

Campus  4.20-   3.80-   3.40-   3.00-
        higher  4.19    3.79    3.39
UCB     43%     13%      2%      1%
UCLA    47%     12%      2%      1%
UCSD    84%     39%      7%      1%
UCSB    82%     45%     10%      1%
UCI     94%     52%     11%      3%
UCD     90%     56%     17%      4% 
UCSC    93%     76%     44%     14%
UCR     98%     90%     63%     23%
UCM     98%     96%     89%     57%

These come from https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/infocenter/freshman-admissions-summary .

For the Cal states:
Cal Poly SLO: High Match
CSUF/CPP: Low Match-Safety depending upon if you are in the local service area

UCR/UCM: Safety
UCSC: Match
UCD/UCI/UCSB: High Match-Low Reach
UCSD: Low Reach

You have good EC’s and if you equally good personal insight essays, then your chances could be higher at some of the UC’s.

More statistical UC data:
2018 UC capped weighted GPA averages:
UCB: 4.23
UCLA: 4.23
UCSD: 4.16
UCSB: 4.13
UCI: 4.13
UCD: 4.11
UCSC: 3.96
UCR: 3.81
UCM: 3.71

2018 Data:
25th - 75th percentiles for SAT:

UCB: 1360-1540

UCLA: 1340-1540
UCSD: 1300-1520
UCSB: 1270-1500
UCD: 1220-1480
UCI: 1230-1490
UCSC: 1210-1450
UCR: 1130-1380
UCM: 1020-1280

Best of luck.

With a sub 4 weighted GPA. i think you’ll get into about half of the schools on your list.

Cal Poly Pomona

Apply to all of them and see how it goes.
Good luck

Thanks for all the input guys! :slight_smile: Yea more than 1/3 of these are safe schools because I hear so many people only applying to reach schools. Im just really hoping to get into UCSB as thats the only university I can truly see myself in however these other colleges I could see myself as well.