What are my chances for UCs?

I am currently a senior, want to major in math or physics. I am applying for UCs, aiming UCLA and Berkeley. I am a 3.75 UC GPA, 1360 on my SAT. I passed APUSH, AP Physics 1, and AP Calculus. I founded physics club and became an officer in math club this year. Although my SATs and GPA aren’t that high, I took many college credit courses. I took algebra 1 as a freshman start taking college maths, now I am in Calculus 3. I also finished English 1a, 1b/c, and physics 2ag and physics 4c with As. I passed all the high school requirements. Also, even if my SAT and GPA aren’t that good, would colleges weight a lot for my college credit classes to see my hard work in those classes? Thanks!!!

UCLA and UCB would be considered Reach schools especially with your UC GPA. College courses are weighted the same way as AP/IB courses and they do show course rigor, but you also need to have good grades in all your a-g courses.

UC’s are very GPA focused so you will need to apply widely and target UCSC/UCR for solid Match schools. Make sure you spend time on your personal insight essays and make them great.

UC admit rates not major specific using UC GPA capped weighted:

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.40-3.79:

UCB: 2%
UCLA: 3%
UCSD: 6%
UCD: 15%
UCSB: 14%
UCI: 13%
UCSC: 59%
UCR: 78%
UCM: 92%

25th - 75th percentiles for SAT:

UCB: 1280-1490

UCLA: 1280-1500
UCSD: 1250-1470
UCSB: 1290-1450
UCD: 1190-1430
UCI: 1190-1420
UCSC: 1170-1380
UCR: 1090-1310
UCM: 1020-1230

Best of luck.

the top ucs are really unlikely. UCR and UCM are likely to take you. UCSC could go either way. You should apply to the schools you are interested in because all the UCs do take applicants with your stats but, at the top of the heap, your odds are pretty slim.
SDSU and CSULB are also worth applications.
good luck