What are my chances for UF? I'm desperate!

<p>I've already been accepted to FSU and UCF, and I am getting anxious in waiting for my UF decision. I want to know if I should even consider UF when thinking about my future. Here's a resume to help you help me! Thank you all :]</p>

<p>4.1 weighted GPA (3.5 unweighted)
1330 (1960) SAT
31 ACT</p>

<p>Advanced Academics and Studies
 Actively participates in Advanced Placement (AP) classes
o Pre-AP English
o AP World History
o AP Government
o AP Economics
o AP Psychology
o AP U.S. History
o AP Calculus
o AP English Language and Composition
o AP English Literature
o AP Biology
 Actively enrolled in Honors
o World History Honors
o English 1 Honors
o Algebra 2 Honors
o Geometry Honors
o Pre-Calculus Honors
o Biology Honors
o Chemistry Honors
o Physics Honors
o Spanish 3 Honors</p>

<p>Contributing member of the Spanish Club 05-06
Maintains GPA of 3.5 (unweighted)
Participant of the Gifted Student Program (IQ above 130)
Participated in National Youth Leadership Conference in Washington D.C.
Involved in Amnesty International for two consecutive years
Selected to participate in Duke TIP program</p>

<p>Keep in mind I didn't send UF my AP scores so they don't know if I passed them which some of them.. I didn't haha =(</p>

<p>Community Outreach
 Teacher at Ramona Elementary in California
o Worked with kids dealing with disabilities
o Experience with a range of disabilities (learning/physical)
o Taught basic skills
 Tutored violin
 Tutored all math up to and including Calculus
 Recycled for East Coast Paper Stock
o Contributed to recycling of approximately 10 tons of paper
 Volunteered at Seaside Veterinary Clinic
o Assisted in refilling medications
o Actively involved in cleaning
o Aided in restraining of animals
o Phlebotomy
o Assisted in OR cases </p>

 Participated in the Space Coast Crew Team for the 2006-2007 rowing season
o Rowed primarily starboard
 Volunteered to assist in recruitment of Space Coast Crew rowers
o Traveled to schools in county
o Encouraged students to join
 Contributed to Space Coast Crew Summer Rowing Camp
o Taught proper rowing technique
 Aided in Running Zone’s Annual Marathon and Half Marathon
o Provided concession for exhausted runners</p>

Electronic Build and Assembly
Interface Technology Group, Rockledge, FL</p>

<p>Veterinary Assistant
Seaside Veterinary Clinic, Satellite Beach, FL</p>

<p>Summer Help
Grove Hill Medical Center, New Britain, CT</p>

<p>Okay, that's basically everything UF knows lol. Oh, and if it matters my sister attended UF (she's ten years older than me) and she is now a doctor. I said in my application essay that I'm striving to become a doctor as well.</p>

<p>i think you have a great chance with your ECs.
Your ACT score is the same as mine so I like to think we’re both fine haha.
And your GPA’s above 4.0 so that puts you right smack in the midrange :)</p>

<p>Good luck!
Are you in-state or out of state?</p>

<p>I’m in state. I also applied for Summer B… I don’t know if that makes a difference or not. I seriously can not wait one more month for this decision. I’m going to be so devastated if I get rejected. It would be a hard choice between UCF and FSU.</p>

<p>Very good shot!</p>

<p>thank you! anyone else with input is greatly appreciated :] i really want to know where i stand</p>

<p>“I’m going to be so devastated if I get rejected. It would be a hard choice between UCF and FSU.”</p>

<p>Pick FSU, and I say this because UCF is a commuter school.</p>

<p>I think you have a good chance. I hope my daughter gets in too. My husband & I both went there too! My daugher got into FSU & UCF also but I think FSU is a great school to for Medicine. I think UCF is just starting Med school this year.</p>

<p>UCF is actually becoming much less of a ‘commuter school’. It’s really starting to make a name for itself. Not to mention, I like the surrounding area a lot better. Tallahassee is not a very appealing place to live. Hopefully I end up in Gainesville though :]</p>

<p>FSU alumni:</p>

<p>[List</a> of Florida State University alumni - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Florida_State_University_alumni]List”>List of Florida State University people - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>UCF alumni:</p>

<p>[List</a> of University of Central Florida people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_University_of_Central_Florida_people]List”>List of University of Central Florida alumni - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>– Enough said…</p>


<p>I just have to cut in. Show me the list of notable alumni for Harvard, it’s all BS. I know plenty of kids coming out of Harvard nowadays who get jobs but get laid off, while students from non-ivy league school are doing just fine. You should not let a list of past students influence your decision.</p>

<p>In Palm Beach County, I’m hearing more and more students applying to UCF, or already there, over FSU. Some don’t want to go to Florida, or can’t get in … but the point is, they can go to FSU but are opting for UCF instead…</p>

<p>what i know is that people’s first choice is UF then UM then FSU and finally UCF! I don’t know exactly all the good reasons but if I judge by myself after my visits to UCF AND UF
I will recommend UF over UCF( too big, need absolutly a car otherwise you are stuck in the campus which is not a campus but a huge parking. I didn’t feel any spirit, any "camaraderie"etc…) I liked a lot UF (the people i met, the campus) but I did not like very much Gainsville( it looks like a place where they make horror movies, with log cabins and woods!) well just my point of view. the best is to go visit, because every person is different. the general comment it’s that UF wins over all the other universities in Florida.</p>

<p>Academically it all depends on the student… good students will be good at any kind of colleges everywhere they will succeed …If you go to have fun and make parties you will be having difficulties finding a good job or internship even at Harvard or Yale!! that is again my point of view!</p>


<p>For the one who said it’s goes UF then UM, that statement is false. You cannot compare a private education to a public one. At Miami, you get much different education than would you at any of the Florida public schools. One, the classrooms are much smaller and you can actually have one to one interaction with your professors and secondly, Miami has invested a lot in their faculty and picked up a number of professors from schools like Yale, Duke, Northwestern, Columbia and even Harvard. So a lot of people actually prefer UM over UF, especially instate students who can afford it or who invest in their education and take out loans and are lucky enough to get merit scholarships . At UCF, FSU and even UF, you have large lecture halls and it’s basically “teach yourself” curriculum. Tests for many majors are done online in computer labs. Certain classes rely on you sitting in a lecture hall and watching your professor on an overhead screen.</p>

<p>Okay so now i’m really worried. If you guys could give me some feedback, it would really ease my stress. When my sister went to UF, she was left with some of the last minute apartments and unfortunately they weren’t close to campus. My parents don’t want me to live in a dorm (it’s a long story why) and so they want to get me an apartment. My mom found one online that she really likes and she wants to go THIS WEEKEND to put a deposit down on it!! The decision is in three weeks and she doesn’t want to wait!! It’s nutty! She says, ''claim it by faith, dear". I don’t know if I’m going to get accepted and if I don’t my parents are going to throw money away on a deposit!! I don’t know what to think or do!!!</p>

<p>Umm… sounds a little impulsive. I’m sure there will be plenty of other apartments available that are just as adequate as the one your mom likes. As for your chance, you and I are in a very similar boat in terms of GPA, test scores, good ECs. I’d say you have a pretty good shot. </p>

<p>Oh, and are you from Connecticut?</p>

<p>No haha I’ve lived in Florida my whole life. I just worked in Connecticut for a summer.</p>

<p>There is a glut of apartments on the market in Gainesville; don’t rush!! They will be giving them away in the summer. My son is at Gville place and they have bus service to campus that comes right into the complex; next to his complex is a brand new one that looks fantastic. They will have all kinds of deals-free plasmas, no deposits, etc. Don’t rush or you will make a mistake…</p>

<p>Out of curiosity, which apartments?</p>

<p>I’d wait…there are definitely going to be majority of apts available in 2-3 weeks…</p>