What are my chances for UW CS?

I’m in state and applying for Computer Engineering.

I have a 4.0 GPA and I’m a full-time Running Start student. By the time I graduate, I’ll have done a decent amount of classes that towards the degree at UW, such as Calculus 1-3, Physics 221 - 23, and CSE 142 and 143.

My extracurriculars aren’t that great; the most important ones are leadership for a group that organizes weekly events for children, tutoring college students for programming and other subjects, and my significant family responsibilities.

Can anyone give an educated guess about my chances?

Is that GPA unweighted?

If so, I like your chances but defer to what your HS GC thinks…how do they categorize UW CS for you? For Fall 2021 (haven’t seen 2022 data) in-state CS acceptance rate was 27%. Freshmen by the numbers | Office of Admissions

As long as you have a balanced list, you will be fine. Do you have at least one affordable safety school?

Good luck!

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Washington doesn’t have weighted GPAs. I do have affordable safety schools.

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