<p>Sorry if this is in the wrong forum. I always post in the musical theatre forums. I go to a small school in the South Bronx section of NYC. It is a pretty bad school considering only 33 out of a class of 77 are on track to graduate. My problem is I had to drop AP Calc after my first semester this year for numerous reasons. I want to know if it will hurt my chances of being admitted into schools academically. First of all, I have horrible grades. I only have a 2.5, and a 1520 on the SAT. I took it once, and just never took it again. Although, I have bad grades, I have an insane extracurricular resume. My college counselor forced me to cut it down from three pages to 1.5. I don't have bad grade because I am dumb, I have bad grades because I have a disabled mother, and I was the only one around to take care of her before she got a aide. Not a great excuse, but it's hard to do homework when you have a mother calling you to cook for her on top of an already hectic rehearsal period. Anyway, the reason I dropped AP Calc was because I couldn't handle the class. I failed every test that was ever given. I have never tested well in math, so I have NO idea why I was placed in that class. I go to a school in the where kids were placed in my AP English class just because the other two English classes are full. That could be one reason I was in AP Calc. Also, I just thought the teacher I had was a bad teacher. Out of a class of 14, 13 usually failed his exams, and the passing grade was never higher than a 70. He would give us extra-credit points if we played a game of Poker or Craps, but he would also take points away if you lost the game. He gives people 10 extra credit point if they came to his bible study club. I felt he was not a fair teacher. </p>
<p>Most of the schools I applied to were for theatre so I would like to know my academic chances for the following schools:
Marymount Manhattan
Fordham (insane reach I know!!!!)
SUNY Purchase</p>
<p>Schools I have been accepted into:
SUNY Fredonia
Point Park U (waiting to hear back from the theatre dpt)
Manhattanville College (With a 17,000 scholarship. idk how or why, but I am not fighting it. lol)
Columbia College Chicago (accepts everyone so it is not as exciting)</p>
<p>Sorry if this was unorganized and/or just one big rambling message. I am just extremely stressed right now and its making it hard to think straight.</p>