I am somewhat in similar situation to oneday, who posted about his chances in going to UCSD (I think).
I was born and raised in Korea, came to US in 7th grade, so i still have some difficulties in writing my thoughts completely. I do, however, communicate and converse freely. It’s just in my writing that it’s obvious im foreign.
I am a rising Junior, and I go to a school in Washington State, that ranks horribly within state (like 33 percentile in terms of programs/student academic average) but i do take IB classes. Here are my records.
9th grade
Pre-IB Pacific NW history A-/A
Pre-IB English 9 B+/A
Pre-IB Science 9 A/A
Pre-IB Algebra II A/A
Pre-IB Spanish 2nd yr A/A
Symphonic Band A/A
10th grade
Pre-IB World History B+/A
Pre-IB English 10 B+/A-
Pre-IB Chemistry A/A
Pre-IB Pre-Calculus A/A
Pre-IB Spanish 3rd yr A/A
Physics B A/Physical Ed. A
11th grade (going to be taking)
IB History of the Americas
IB English 11
IB Biology
IB Psychology
IB Calculus BC
IB Spanish 4th yr
Here are my standardized test scores:
SAT: 2280 (could raise a bit)
AP: Cal AB (selfstudy) 5, Physics B 5, Physics C (selfstudy) 5
going to take: World History
Here are what i do extracurricular:
Math Team: 2-time ARML participant, USAMO participant 2005, various top 5’s in statewide contests, 1st place in Mu Alpha Theta, etc. (Looking to go to MOP this following year)
Scout: Eagle Scout, SPL (Senior Patrol Leader), Order of the Arrow member
Church: Prayer group leader, assistant teacher in Korean School (where the language is taught)
If you need any other information, please feel free to reply. Otherwise, please give a complete thought. Thank you.