What are my Chances in Virginia Tech Engineering?

Objective: Virginia Tech Engineering
SAT I (breakdown): 1500 (EBRW 710, Math 790)
ACT (breakdown): 29
Math 2(780), Chem(640)
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): School does not report unweighted GPA
Weighted GPA: 4.26
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): My school doesn’t rank
AP (place score in parenthesis): AP World (3), AP Psych (4), AP Physics (1), AP Chem (2) (I did not submit any AP Exam Scores)
IB (place score in parenthesis): n/a
Senior Year Course Load: (4 AP’s, 1 Honors, 2 regular)
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): n/a (just minor awards like: A Honor Roll, AB Honor Roll, Academic Letter Awards, Athlete Academic Letter Awards, PTSA Leadership Awards)


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): PTSA (Student Representative), FBLA (Executive Board Member), Community Service (I co-direct volunteers at a homeless shelter), NHS, Math Honors Society, HS Varsity tennis team,

Job/Work Experience: None

Volunteer/Community service: I volunteer with a local group that serves food and provides warm clothing at a homeless shelter every two weeks. I also take part in an annual mulch drive for my PTSA.

Summer Activities: I just volunteered

Essays (rating 1-10, details): Wrote 2 essays

Recommendations (rating 1-10, details):
Teacher Rec #1: n/a
Teacher Rec #2: n/a
Counselor Rec: n/a
Additional Rec: n/a
Interview: Haven’t had mine yet


Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
Intended Major: General Engineering
State (if domestic applicant): Virginia
Country (if international applicant): n/a
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Male
Income Bracket:
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.):


Strengths: Math 2, SAT 1
Weaknesses: GPA, AP Exams
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted: Virginia Commonwealth University, George Mason University, deferred from UVA E-School

Your stats are definitely pretty good, the math SAT is important. I’d think the only thing that could hold you back is what sort of math you are taking in hs since you didn’t spell it out on your post. Don’t worry about the AP scores as long as the grades were good (obviously there likely were, given your GPA)

I do think VT looks at the AP score earned as a way to “standardize” a student’s performance/knowledge in the subject across multiple candidates. We know each school has different grading scales, weights, some teachers grade harder or easier, etc. However, since you did not provide them, VT might be wondering why they were not submitted (especially Physics/Chem). Remember, especially for Engineering, your Math & Science classes/GPA/Scores are key. Did you submit your ACT scores? I ask given they appear much lower than I would have expected given your SAT scores which are excellent. You appear to be a very qualified candidate, it will depend on what the overall pool of candidates is this year in comparison. Sorry, we can’t provide you any more certainty.