What are my chances into getting into Purdue??

I submitted my app for Purdue about a month ago on October 30th. My ACT score is pretty low its about a 20 and with my test best ACT scores it comes out to be a 21 which is really sad. But I have a unweighted GPA of 3.52, captain of my varsity equestrian team, and vp of volunteer activities in my volunteer group. I know my ACT score ruins my chance a bit but do i still have a chance???


On the main 2021 site a kid who had ACT35 and 3.8 UW GPA just got rejected for what it’s worth.
What other schools are you looking at? Why did you choose Purdue?

@Seacoast I would take that post with a grain of salt. It was the only comment by the poster, and he/she claimed they heard on a day when decisions didn’t come out.

good to know! :-h