What are my chances of acceptance?

<p>Please don't sugar coat it. I'd rather hear if you don't think I could in.</p>

<p>I'm currently a female senior in high school. I live in Loudoun County (NOVA).
My GPA is 3.84 on the 4.0 system, but for some reason, with this system, you can exceed 4.0 because AP courses give a 1 point weight, and honors classes give a .5 weight.
My rank is 120/346.
My SAT score combined is 1810 (1240 without writing)--
Critical Reading - 600
Math - 640
Writing - 570
My ACT is 26
Do you think I could get in?
I don't know what major I'm applying yet. If you can give me your input, I want to choose between political science and BIT (business informational technology), and I would be happy with either. Which do you think is easier to get into for me?</p>

<p>your weighted gpa and classrank will hurt u because the colleges will see that u did really well on your sat (which u did) and then see your gpa is little off par and think tht u mite be lazy in school…but thts just what i have been told</p>

<p>I mean, I’m from Loudoun County and they just say your unweighted and weighted GPA are the same. I know people who have gotten in with this GPA in previous years, but idk.</p>