What Are My Chances of Being Accepted to the Cal Poly SLO Architecture Program?

I will calculate my MCA soon. Just wondering how my stats seem to add up right now. Thanks!

Cal State GPA weighted; 4.65
Cal State GPA weighted and capped: 4.19
1st SAT: 1420

Cal Poly SLO has a different calculation for their GPA which is 9-11th grades for the a-g course requirements, cap of 8 semesters of honors points for AP or IB classes taken 10-11th grades so the maximum CSU GPA you could have is a 4.4. CSU’s do not consider the fully weighted GPA in their admission decisions.

That said, you look like a competitive applicant based on the average stats posted on the SLO Freshman profile.

SLO capped weighted GPA: 4.02 Average SAT: 1364

Make sure you and your family can afford full costs to attend as an OOS applicant which is around $40,000/year.

Best of luck.

Awesome good to hear! Thanks for all the info. We have looked at the cost, and while it is expensive I’m not super worried to pay for it with loans and such since Cal Poly SLO has a good reputation of getting hired right out of college into a well paying career.

As a student, you cannot take out more than the Federal limit in student loans which is $27K for the 4 years. Any other loans would have be taken out by your parents so make sure they are on-board with taking out loans if needed.

Congratulations on attaining such high academic statistics.

Make sure that you are taking into account all aspects of Cal Poly’s MCA. Several high stats students at the high school where I work and at other local schools were passed over for students with slightly lower stats but MUCH higher extra-curricular accomplishments. It is a complex formula that is better explained by other people on other threads. Look into it.

Cal Poly wants well-rounded individuals who have accomplished things in multiple areas. Get your community service documents, job history, sports involvement, club membership, and leadership positions information all rounded up before you apply. If you haven’t had a leadership position on a varsity team or in a club yet, try to line one up for the first part of next school year. Get a summer job if you have no work experience. You have some time to add extras. Every little bit helps and it can make a big difference between students with similar GPA’s and test scores. If you already have all those EC’s along with your academic stats, then you appear to be what they are looking for.

Good luck to you.