What are my chances of getting accepted?

<p>I want to apply for fall 2011.</p>

<p>i have a 2.77
SAT 1525
over 300 hrs of community service
i’m from california
my school is rated a 10 [1-10 scale, 10 being the best]</p>

<p>Hi. You could probably increase your chances by getting your GPA up to at least the 3.0-3.2 range. It also wouldn’t hurt to get your SAT (MRW) up to the 1800-1900 range. It all depends on the profiles of applicants next year, and on whether you want to be admitted to a specific college (like Engineering) which may have higher admission standards. Keep up the studies, good luck.</p>

<p>Do you have a pulse? If so, you will get accepted.</p>

<p>^LOL? Is it really that easy??</p>

<p>GPA actually shouldn’t be too much of a problem. You have a 2.77, and 23% of Fall 2008 freshmen had a high school GPA between 2.5 and 2.99.</p>

<p>Your SAT seems to fall within the range of admitted students as well, although it is on the lower end. Maybe try to raise that score by 50-100 more points, but for now, I think you have a good chance at being admitted.</p>

<p>I think you are good to go now. I know people who got in with worse stats than you. Also, I know people who did not even take the SAT/ACT and got admitted. Lax admission standards appear to have resulted in the admission of students who may not belong in college and perhaps a high freshman dropout rate.</p>

<p>As for “All you need is a pulse,” I believe so. The U of A loves to admit academically underqualified students. Recently, ABOR has given the University of Arizona the option to raise the percentage of out of state students in the coming years. With the financial situation the way it is here, more OOS students will be admitted in the coming years. Finally, the percentage of students who are admitted is 79%, so rest easy.</p>

<p>U of A only looks at SAT/ACT scores for scholarship award consideration. They do not use the scores to determine admissions. Admissions are based on GPA only.</p>

<p>They are very accepting of lower GPAs, that is true. But STAYING in college is a different story - that’s up to the student!</p>

<p>The classes are very easy here. As long as you take them seriously you should’nt have a problem staying above 2.0 or 3.0. The problem is a lot of students don’t take them seriously.</p>

<p>I got in with a 2.8 and 1490 SAT, from Cali. But I can’t go because it’s too expensive. :(</p>

<p>The “do you have a pulse” comment was a little unnecessary. That’s more true to ASU. You SHOULD be okay. I’ve heard of people getting in, although they up their standards for kids who are out of state. I’m from Cali too, I had a 3.6 but like 1200 on SATs and got in with a scholarship. They like out of staters because we pay A LOT more than in-state and they need the money…basically if you’re out of state and relatively intelligent, you’ll get in.</p>

<p>I’m sorry. I was totally out of line. I am only saying that the U of A has a 77% admission rate and ABOR is looking to expand the size of the student body. The admission standards are rather low, just look on the College Board website.</p>

<p>Also, ASU is one of our peer universities. They are essentially drawing from the same pool of applicants that we are.</p>

<p>LadyZ, I think it is out of line to say that for ASU too. It’s just rude, but I find it amusing that you seem to think its okay to bash ASU for having a high acceptance rate and then defend your own schools substantial acceptance rate. Walkteral is correct, ASU and UA are peer universities, lets act like it.</p>

<p>I think LadyZ and Walteral1990 both meant it as friendly interstate joking. We went on a tour of UA and even the guide made a jab at ASU (probably doing the same over there) haha. You should read what goes on with other interstate (UW vs WAZU) forums. I’m sure both UA and ASU are great schools. This is a forum for opinions and insight…take it for what it is. Relax.</p>

<p>I don’t mind the occasional jab, and I wasn’t talking to walteral, who didn’t say anything of the sort. LadyZ is not being playful, look at the post history. It is not insight to go onto the ASU forum and disparage a university simply because of pro-UA feelings.</p>

<p>mmmcdowe, I looked up the statistics for ASU and the acceptance rate is 97%. You can’t really defend that and honestly, if you go to either school, you know there is a rivalry. It’s all in good fun, CHILL.</p>

<p>anyone know someone that got accepted here with bad stats?</p>

<p>Yes, I know a lot of people with bad stats who were admitted.</p>

<p>Mostly they had between 2.5 and a 3.0 in high school and did poorly on their standarized tests. However, these people are Arizona residents therefore they were allowed two defficiencies. I do not know if the it is the same for oos.</p>

<p>Stats aside, if you are not ready for college and/or do not take college seriously your grades WILL suffer.</p>

<p>I know tons of people who had bad stats but have been admitted. They’re not happy though, because now they actually have to work hard for good grades… something they’re not used to.</p>

<p>I’m a junior right now and as of now I have a 2.9 GPA which sucks.</p>

<p>And I’m taking the SAT May 1st and June.</p>

<p>I was planning on coming here as an OOS student from California.</p>

<p>But I don’t know if I can come because I only have 2 years of math completed.</p>

<p>If you took a third year of math next year you will be fine. You may even be fine now. Get your gpa above 3.0 and do decently on the SAT/ACT and you will be in for sure. If you do a third year of math, raise your gpa past 3.0 and do really well on the SAT/ACT you may get a good scholarship.</p>

<p>If you are adamant about not taking a third year of math, call the admission office and see if you are allowed defficiencies like in state students. But do not worry, this isn’t a UC.</p>