What are my chances of getting in the honors college?

I got my acceptance letter today, yay! I’ve been looking into the honors college for a bit, and I was wondering how I compare with current honors students.
ACT: 31
GPA: 3.6 (unweighted)
I’ve taken a very rigorous schedule, multiple APs scoring 4 and above, NHS, I’ve played tennis for years and devoted almost all of my time to it, very active in my church, I’ve raised over $10,000 for the American Diabetes Association and I’ve volunteered over 75 hours with them over the past 3 years.
Anything helps, positive or negative. Thank you!

My brother attends TCU and says he wishes he would have done Honors, implying that he could have made it. You have the same ACT score as him, and more extracurriculars. His GPA was higher, but his course load may have been easier than yours. I would say you have a chance.

The beauty of TCU Honors is that you can apply for when you’re there. (ie: during your freshman year you can apply to be in it for your sophomore year)

Sorry I don’t have more information, hope this kind of helped!

I just got my letter inviting me to the honors college today (great way to start off the new year!), and I live in the DFW area so if you may be getting it pretty soon too, depending on where you live.

How soon after receiving your admissions notification were you invited to join the honors program?