What are my chances of getting in to pharmacy school?

I am trying to get into a top 10 pharmacy school (University of kentucky) and would like to know what my chances are. Im about to enter my sophomore year and i am on the two year pre-pharm track. I havent had any organic or biochem (keep that in mind when looking at my pcat). and im planning on applying early decision here in the next week, and take a second pcat in september

Pcat scores:
biology: 85%
chemistry: 32%
reading: 54%
quantitative: 47%
composite: 56%

I have taken a very rigerous schedule so far in order to jam pack all of the pre-reqs in two years, and my sophomore year is not any easier.
cumulative gpa entering sophomore year: 3.63 with no C’s

I am very active and have a multitude of pharmacy expereince, ive worked retail as a technicain for over a year, and worked as an office clerk for my family business for years, ive volunteered in a hospital as a technician, i have 5 or 6 other volunteering expereinces in a helathcare and pharmacy setting, and ive shadowed 5 different pharmacists in a variety of different areas.

Also, my sister is in her 4th year of pharmacy school at that same school.

I feel like I have very strong letters of recomendation with a critical care pharmcist, MTM pharmacist, and a pharmacy manager writing them for me. I also feel that my essays are good.

Does anyone think that i could get in at UK? do you think that having a sibling in the program gives me an edge?, or is my pcat score (especially my science) way too low

Thanks to anyone who can help!

Don’t focus on “top ten”.

What pharmacy schools are instate for you?

Keeping costs down in pharmacy school is important, because it is very expensive, so if you can pay instate tuition, it would save you money.

There are lots of good pharmacy schools that prepare you for your licensing exam.

My D took the PCAT after her first year of college, and self studied the content she didn’t learn yet. There is a PCAT prep book, and there are online practice tests too I believe from the testing company.


Here is the PharmCAS profile of U Kentucky. Your GPA looks good. Note that they require 70 credits of prerequisites, which is tough to do in 2 years.

@mommdc Kentucky is a pharmacy school that is instate for me. Do you think that getting my chemistry score up would increase my chances? Or do you think I have pretty good chances now?

You definitely want to raise the PCAT score up. Especially chemistry, reading and quantitative.

Definitely study for it.