What are my chances of getting in Virginia Tech Civil Engineering?

I’m a junior from out of state and I’m interested in Civil Engineering

My SAT score is my only really weak point with a 1290: 690 in math and 600 in english but I will be trying to improve it…

I have a 4.0 GPA with all honors/AP

AP Classes taken/will take by end of high school:
AP World
AP Lang
AP Calc BC
AP Italian
AP Physics C

I also have done many hours of community service.

I am a member of Key Club and Patriots Club which both help the community around me.

I’m a member of 3 honor societies: Math, Language, and National.

Throughout high school I have also taken 3 college level engineering courses and other college level electives plus physics.

I also have a job working for a test prep company as an assistant. And I also am a counselor at a sleepaway camp.

What are my chances of getting in next year based on what I have shared?

I think you’ve got an excellent chance. SAT’s were my son’s only weak point and he was accepted this year which shows they’re definitely looking at more than test scores.

You got good chance just keep up your GPA and stay involved. I know people that got into the school with lower scores but they were instate.