What are my chances of getting in?

<p>I am a High School Senior
I had been slacking off in my freshman and sophomore years. I had a 2.0 gpa(1.8 and 2.2). In my junior and senior years i took AP Macroeconomics, AP US History, AP Calculus, AP Computer Science as well as IB Higher Level Physics and IB Standard Level Mandarin. I had a 3.6 gpa in my last two years and my gpa is now a 2.8. I have a 2100 SAT( I got a 700 on each of the tests). I had 4s and 5s on my APs, I also got 6s and 7s on my IBs. I joined two clubs for two years and racked up 600 hours of volunteer work. I can speak 3 languages(English, Mandarin and Indonesian). I am an International Student(Indian) from Indonesia. I was also on the Varsity Basketball team at my High School. I plan on double majoring in computer science and mass communications/media studies. What are my chances of getting into University of Miami?</p>

<p>Unfortunately, only 1% of the incoming class has a GPA in your range, and they probably either have connections, having done amazing things like written a novel, or are student athletes.</p>

<p>Your SAT puts you above the 75th percentile for Math and below, but not significantly below, it for Critical Reading.</p>

<p>An upward grade trend does help.</p>

<p>If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say you would get waitlisted and then probably get rejected depending upon the composition of the applicant pool.</p>

<p>You can improve your chances by being sure to write great essays and getting good recommendations.</p>

<p>Best of luck to you during the application process.</p>