What are my chances of getting in?

I know i’m more than likely not going to get, but i just wanted to know my chances. GPA-2.0 ACT-23 Any responses would be great. Thanks in advance


Are you instate?

Can you pay all costs?

If you can pay, then I would have my area rep work your application.

Why do you have a 2.0 GPA? Are you saying that you got only C’s in EVERY class?

Yes I am instate, and can pay all the cost. I have made mostly C’s with a few B’s and D’s here and there, but mainly C’s. I have already sent an application, is there anything I can do?

You need to contact your area rep. Do you know who that is? n

No, can I find out using mybama? I live in Vestavia if that is any help?


what county are you in ?

What did you get D’s in ? Were the D’s quarter grades or semester grades? Did you get any D’s as a soph or junior as semester grades?

Thank you for all your help, I really appreciate it. I know that it could go either way, but do you think I’ll get in?

The D’s were mostly quarter grades. I got 1 D as a junior for the semester, and none for soph that I can recall.

I emailed the area rep, what exactly does work an application mean?

Did you email using that link? If so, that may not work. What is the rep’s name.

Your quarter grades may not be on the transcript. Usually only semester or year end grades are.