What are my chances of getting in?

<p>I'm a junior in high school in a somewhat large public school in California (pretty good, I think it was ranked last year, not sure though).</p>

<p>GPA: Will have (hopefully) 3.8 Unweighted, 4.13 Weighted GPA
Class Rank: Top 10%
Classes: Will have completed AP Chemistry, AP Biology, AP Physics, AP US History, AP English Language and Composition, AP Literature, AP Computer Science, AP Latin, AP Econ/PoliSci, AP Calculus
SAT: 2110 1st time score, might retake in October
SAT II: US History: 750 (AP 3) Chemistry: 760 (AP 5) will take Physics and Biology in June.
Sports: JV Lacrosse Sophomore year, Varsity Lacrosse Junior and Senior year
Extracurriculars: Science Olympiad (4 years), Science Bowl (3 years), Physics Olympiad (this year and next), Medical Club, Math Club, JCL (latin club)
research at a UC (university) with a professor in nanotechnology (have my own project).
Other Extracirriculars: Computer junkie, on Ubuntu California Support Team (Linux users), created own homebrewed linux distribution
Other information: Probably applying next year for BME (Biomedical Engineering) or EE (Electrical Engineering). My dad graduated from here a while back with a PhD.</p>

<p>Please comment on what my chances are of getting in (% out of 100), and maybe which stats hurt/help me.
Oh, and let me know what other information would be useful.

<p>Easy admit. If you get your SAT’s up 100-150 points, GT will probably offer you a scholarship given your EC’s (assuming you apply before October 31 deadline ).</p>

<p>yea in btw im applying too and what Latin are you in lol, im in 2nd AP latin which happens to vergil…</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/623727-chances-would-appreciated-chances-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/623727-chances-would-appreciated-chances-back.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>gthopeful: Thats good to know! Though, my GPA will only be 3.8 unweighted and 4.13 weighted after 1st semester senior year. I’m hearing that 1st semester senior year grades are not reported (grades come out after application deadline), so that is unfortunate. I’ll probably have a 3.75 or so unweighted and 4.05 or so weighted GPA. :frowning: this makes me sad.</p>

<p>Have my chances lowered quite a bit now?</p>

<p>aafitscher: Oh nice. Well actually, I’m not in AP Latin this year (I’m a junior), but my school does Vergil too so I’ll be doing that next year. As for your chances, I’ll take a look and post in a bit.</p>