What are my chances of getting into at least a single UC?

My SAT composite score 1120. I have an average weighted GPA of 4.1 and an unweighted GPA of 3.65. I passed all of my AP Exams, two 3’s and two 4’s. I’ve been very curious and quite anxious about my probability of getting into at least a single UC. Please help!! And also do UC’s consider financial and cultural backgrounds? cos I was homeless for a few years in America and ditched Thailand cos my father tried to kidnap me.

@sasasonon: Welcome to CC as a first time poster.

First you need to calculate your UC GPA (capped weighted) and Fully weighted to determine how you compare:


Your SAT score is on the low side for all but UC Riverside and Merced, so unless you retake, I would target these 2 UC’s.
Are you a CA resident? If so, there a 23 Cal States and many private schools that would love to have you as a student.

25th - 75th percentiles for SAT:

UCB: 1280-1490

UCLA: 1280-1500
UCSD: 1250-1470
UCSB: 1210- 1450
UCD: 1190-1430
UCI: 1190-1420
UCSC: 1170-1380
UCR: 1090-1310
UCM: 1020-1230

Regarding your financial background, all schools have a Net Price Calculator where you can plug in your financial data and it will give you an estimate your costs. Definitely something you should run for each school of interest.
If you are CA resident, then Cal Grants, Middle class scholarship and Blue & Gold Scholarships are available to eligible applicants.

Your cultural and family background/issues will be considered and you should address these in your personal insight essays.

Best of luck.

After you calculate your UC GPA, enter it along with your test scores here:

If you are in the Top 9% by this measure, the UC System should offer you a spot at UC Merced. They won’t absolutely guarantee that spot – there has to be space available at UCM, and they don’t know for sure where the Top 9% cutoff will be for next year – but in the past it’s worked out that way.

a 3.9ish GPA and 1120 SAT is going to make most of the UCs a tall order. Merced and Riverside are your best shots.

SDSU, CSULB and CP Pomona would be happy to have you.

good luck.

How about formal prepping for the SAT and trying to get something over 1300? If the UCs are that important then it’s worth it to put in that effort. If you’re getting 3s and 4s on your AP, it should be easily doable.

Thank you so much! I’ll try improving for my very last SAT on August. I’ll maybe consider Cal States since I live in Cali.

We found SAT preparation to be quite useful. There is a course at our local community center which was quite good and quite inexpensive. Hopefully your high school or a community center near you offers a similar course.

Good luck with this.