What are my chances of getting into bing

<p>gpa:92 weighted(i know its a little low but my school isnt easy)
sat:2000 (620 critical reading 740 math 640 writing)
varsity tennis captain, vice president of chess club, did sing and jsa for four years
sat 2's: 760 math 2, 720 math 1, 550 us history(i dont know why i took the us history one)
what are my chances of going to bing??? and does my high school being top 10 in the nation help me at all?</p>

<p>Nobody can ever predict but your credentials seem quite a bit higher than average for Binghamton especially when you consider that the published SATs don’t seem to represent all students’ SAT scores. It appears that the school does not report all the scores. So the published numbers that would normally indicate the 25-75% could be quite a bit higher than the average of all the student scores. I suppose it depends on your actual grades somewhat since the GPA does not reveal that much. But certainly your scores are high for Binghamton.</p>

<p>@lostaccount, you know accusing a school of misrepresenting admissions data is kind of a serious accusation right? Do you have any actual evidence or is this just conjecture?</p>

<p>OP, You should definitely get into Bing. Don’t worry.</p>

<p>@sprinkles12‌ will i have no problem getting into bing som too or should i worry? </p>

<p>Honestly you seem overqualified. Don’t come here. I made the mistake of attending and I’m extremely dissapointed as a neuroscience major. The caliber of both student and teacher is low ( class average for the majority of my science lectures is a high F). The math department here is horrendous, most of the teachers are grad students who don’t know how to teach. Perhaps liberal arts studies are better here but if you want a quality education in science or math do yourself the favor of going somewhere else. In addition the majority of campus life happens downtown at frats and bars, if you aren’t a partier there isn’t much else. </p>

<p>I would definitely apply to SOM. It is harder to get into than harpur but I think that you stand a chance there. Apply and see for yourself. However, if you don’t get into SOM and get offered a spot at Harpur, I wouldn’t recommend taking it unless you are dead set on going to graduate school. You cannot take any sort of business class unless you are enrolled in SOM and intra-university transfers are extremely difficult. Companies generally do not recruit from Harpur. </p>

<p>Sprinkles 12, I believe that Bob Morse stated that BInghamton does not {or at least did not} submit scores for all students who submitted their scores for admission to Binghamton. He said this fact was considered in the ratings. I don’t know if this is true every year or not. But it is deceptive if true-and I believe it to be true. It suggests deception by Binghamton University. Are you surprised? </p>

<p>@lostaccount‌ If you don’t mind my asking, are you a Binghamton student? I’m just curious. </p>

<p>Well, It is surprising because I know that other schools have gotten called out on the practice in the past (emory I think and a small college in florida). I haven’t heard anything about binghamton doing this. Binghamton does have the 2nd highest SUNY SAT average after geneseo since it does attract a lot of students from competitive high schools on long island and nyc. However, we all know that SAT scores only give you a small picture of a student. </p>

<p>I don’t believe they are lying, as was the case with the other schools. Just not including scores from all students. </p>