What are my chances of getting into Cal Poly SLO?

Hello!!! I hope y’all are having a wonderful day!

Here are my stats.

UnWeighted GPA: 3.83 (out of 4.0)
Weighted: 4.03 (out of 4.3)

SAT w/ essay: 1170
English: 640
Math: 500
Writing: 6
Analysis: 5
Reading: 6

Sat w/out essay: 1170
English: 600
Math: 570

Junior year, I took 2 AP classes. Senior year, I’m taking all (4) AP classes.

I dedicate a lot of my time to 9 extracurriculars, almost 20 hours a week. This includes founding and leadership roles.

I work about 15 hours a week with two jobs (and soon a third but that’s not on my application).

Also, I live in Cali!

If there’re any more stats I could give you guys, please let me know. Realistically, I know Cal Poly SLO is a reach, but I really want to get other people’s opinions. It’s my top school.

Thank youuu!!

Intended major? Did you calculate your GPA using 9-11th grades with an 8 semester cap for UC approved Honors, AP or DE courses?

SLO admits by major and MCA points.

Calculate your MCA points using this link: https://mca.netlify.com/

Your SAT is well below the 25th percentile which will negatively impact your chances.

GPA and SAT are a little light so, probably not… like 60/40 against.

SDSU, UCR, CPP and UCSC are probably good targets for most majors.

Apply broadly and good luck.

@NCalRent @Gumbymom I forgot to say this, but my intended major is Communication Studies =-) thank you so much for your help btw

@Gumbymom @NCalRent Also, my CSU GPA is actually 4.08 (I know, not that much better) and my MCA is 4223.

SLO projections for Communication Studies acceptance rate is around 20%. Your GPA is competitive but your SAT score is going to hold you back. Your MCA score is a bit low.

Here is one data point from last year to help gauge your chances. It will depend upon how you compare to all the Communication Studies applicants. Best of luck.

S Waitlisted for Communications
GPA 3.9
ACT 32
MCA ~4200
In State

@Gumbymom Thank you so, so much for your help!! This helped a lot. I’ll update if I get accepted!