What are my chances of getting into GWU?

Hello there! I posted some time ago on this thread, but I wanted to update some of my scores and extracurriculars.

I’m currently a junior at a prestigious high school in Northern NJ, who is very interested in attending George Washington University. In fact, I will apply early decision.

My weighted GPA is a 3.61 and my unweighted is around 3.35.

As I junior, I took three AP classes – English 3, European History, United States History, and earned a ‘5’ on each exam. I also took one honors course – French 4, as a junior.

As a senior, I will be taking four AP classes – English 4, Economics, Biology, and French 5.

I have interned with a successful congressional challenger’s campaign and with a state assembly campaign, in their field departments.

I work two jobs. One as a waiter during summers, and another during the sophomore and freshman school year’s as a sales associate.

I’ve been a captain of my school’s Academic Decathlon team since sophomore year.

I’m currently acting as our school’s ambassador for a European educational tour in summer 2018.

My intended major is International Relations/Affairs with a concentration in conflict resolution.

My (new) SAT reading is a 780, and my (new) SAT math is a 520.

My SAT essay is a 7.

My ACT composite is a 30. Math is a 22, English is a 33, Reading is a 35, and Science is a 29. My ACT writing is an 11

I understand that certain credentials may be low for acceptance, but I’m curious to see what my chances are of getting in on early decision. I’d also love to know if any of you have advice on what I should focus on most improving.

Thank you very much.

i think the school will be a good fit, as similar to my D , you are weaker in math. if you can explain that somehow on your app, and how math is what brought your GPA down, and you are applying ED, and dont have finaid requirements, you probably stand a decent chance. that essay will probably be very important though.

Thank you very much for the response. I’m working on the essay now, and I’m hopeful!

Your GPA has actually gone down since your last post in March, so you haven’t been improving your GPA as suggested. I stand by my original post in that GW is a reach for you. You say you really want to attend GW, but all you’ve managed to do in this forum is copy/paste your last thread and not take the time to write-out anything new. That doesn’t show very much drive and determination…

Thank you again for your advice. I truly appreciate the time you’ve taken to respond. I apologize for copying, pasting, and then editing the post. I do not think this defines my determination, but simply indicates efficiency. Nevertheless, I complete understand your point.