What are my chances of getting into my school’s nursing program or transferring to another?

I’m currently a first-year at CSULB in pre-nursing. I know that our nursing program is extremely competitive and nearly all students who get accepted have straight A’s. I also know that transferring to another school for nursing will be just as difficult simply because of how competitive nursing is in general.

I’m taking one of the science pre-reqs for LB’s program right now, which is worth 5 units vs the 4 units for the remaining 3 science pre-reqs, so it makes sense that all the advisors emphasize the importance of doing well in the course. I have a B in the class and will most likely finish with a B; I’d need 340/300 on the final to get an A.

My question is, assuming I do extremely well in the remaining 3 science courses and get A’s, would I have a decent shot of getting into the LB nursing program? Or would I have a better chance of getting into another program, such as UCI or a private school (APU maybe)? I’ve heard that transferring to other schools’ programs is extremely difficult because they prioritize CC students over CSU.

Apply to multiple colleges to increase your odds. Because Calif. nursing programs are so competitive, I’d consider some out of state colleges, in addition.

I have considered out of state before, but I’m scared that it’ll make it difficult to find work after finishing school. I plan on staying in California, so I’m not sure if going out of state would be the best choice in the long run.

A large number of California nurses are immigrants, because there is such a shortage. There are not enough nursing school seats in Calif. to meet the demand. Therefore, I wouldn’t worry about getting a job in California if you attend a good out of state nursing program. The same RN certification test is used across the US.