I am currently a junior in high school and I am hoping to get into the NC State College of Engineering to major in computer science/engineering. Here are some of my stats as of right now:
GPA (UW): 3.625
GPA (W): 4.4375
In State?: Yes
Extracurriculars: 3+ years of community service, out-of-country community service, held a leadership position in a club during sophomore year, currently in a computer science club in my school, getting an internship/job shadowing opportunity at a computer science company this summer/fall, art classes for 2 years
SAT: 1370/1600 (planning to take it again before the end of junior year, aiming for a MUCH better score)
ACT: Not taking it, since it is not necessary (Should I?)
I still have one more semester of junior year (with new classes), so my GPA has the opportunity to go up from where it currently is. I am planning to start applying to college in fall of senior year. Do you guys think that my current stats make me a strong candidate for the NCSU College of Engineering?
Thank you.
Keep your grades high, retake the SAT, and write good essays. You should have quite good chances.
Thank you for your comment. Just had a couple more questions- would you say my current GPA is where it needs to be, or does it look too low, especially for this college? Also, what would you say a “great” SAT score would be for this college? I know NC State is very selective, especially for the School of Engineering.
Even NC State Engineering takes plenty of applicants. According to their website, their average admit for Engineering has a GPA between 4.4 and 4.7 weighted – which you fit – and an SAT composite between 1220 and 1420 – which you again fit.
While your borderline-low GPA is hard to change at this point, if you exceed 1420 on your SAT retake (study, study, study!) then it’ll offset any concerns of most admissions officers. A 1480+ would be fantastic.
Sorry, I know this is a little late, but I have one more question for you. So it looks like I am going to end junior year with a 3.583 UW GPA. Is this too low for NCSU School of Engineering? Oh, and my weighted GPA is projected to be a 4.67.
@yoloswagxx Your chances for getting in should be good. S was not admitted to NCSU Engineering with a 3.74 UW GPA and SAT of 1430 (730 RW, 700 M) – he also has the usual ECs, plus Eagle Scout and award-winning Aerospace Engineering design at Texas A&M Camp SOAR. S is from Northern Virginia, though, and not many out-of-state applicants are accepted into NCSU engineering. All the best – I think NCSU should be grateful to have you on board. 
@VABogard Thank you so much for your comment. Just had one more question for you - do you think that NC State will reject me simply based on my unweighted GPA? It’s a little low, especially for engineering - 3.583. All my other stats fit (and even exceed) the requirements, including my weighted GPA, which will be a 4.67 by the end of the year.
@yoloswagxx NC State should still find you an attractive candidate for the engineering school, particularly if your junior year grades increase your GPA. Looks like you’re also well-positioned to excel on your SAT next fall (1370 is already a terrific score).
NC State takes only about 10-15% out-of-state applicants, so it may be a different metric is used for out-of-state students. I know that a LOT of students from Northern Virginia applied to NC State engineering, as it’s quickly getting a reputation as one of the very best engineering schools in the country, especially given the attractive cost to attend.
Hi, I came across this while I was doing some searches on NCSU. Pretty recent question so I decided to respond.
Sorry to blow it for you but I think your chances are very low. I got deferred from NC State Engineering College with these stats:
GPA weighted of 4.69
Unweighted of 3.66,
29 on the ACT
3 leadership positions starting from sophomore year and on
Countless hours of community service
Worked a job
10 AP Classes by the time I will graduate
I am also a female which should’ve increased my chances but didn’t.
I was told it was my ACT that brought me down and since your extracurriculars match mine I would highly recommend that you retake the SAT and take some SAT subject tests.
Good luck.
Can I suggest maybe taking the ACT also if you still haven’t? My S did substantially better on it for some reason than on the SAT. The format just suits him better I suppose. He was accepted into engineering at State with a 1360 (730 R, 630 M) SAT and a 33 ACT. His GPA was 4.79 weighted and 3.9 unweighted. Ranked 5th out of 300 or so at the time he applied. Good extracurriculars and all of that stuff. Unique essays, in-state.
Best of luck! You will land somewhere great I am sure, hopefully it will be NC State. Go Pack!
@redflames786 thanks for your comment, just wondering if you applied in-state or out-of-state?
@packalum thank you for your reply - I am actually taking the ACT next week. I did better on the PACT than the PSAT, so I am hoping for a good score on my ACT. Congrats to your son; hoping I can get it as well!
@redflames786 Also, I am retaking the SAT in March and I am taking the ACT next week. I scored higher on the PACT than the PSAT, so hoping this holds true for the actual ACT as well. I also wanted to ask if it was solely your ACT score that made your application less appealing, and if there were any other factors that played into your deferral? Was it perhaps that you applied late? Also, what are the chances of being accepted after deferral?