What are my chances of getting into Purdue for Comp Sci?

My GPA is a 3.96 unweighted.

My SAT is a 1450. (I may retake this to get the score a bit higher)

I am taking multivariable calc next year (my senior year) and by the end of high school I’ll have taken 12 AP classes. (One being AP Comp Sci A)

MY EC: tennis one year, National Honor Society, DECA, Math Team, Rube Goldberg Club, founder of Share Overseas club, Kumon and Eye Level tutor, computer rentals job.

I am NOT a resident of Indiana. (Illinois Resident)

Purdue CS has become a reach for all students but I think you are a solid applicant.

I think I read where the average CS admit was a 33 or 34 this year for Purdue. If it’s a 34, that’s about a 1500 SAT.