what are my chances of getting into Purdue?

<p>hey, i moved to the states about 4 months ago and am currently in my junior year second semester. I was just able to take 1 AP course (AP Macro) as there arent alot of 1 semester AP courses. I will be taking 4 next year though (AP Chem, AP calc bc, AP micro , AP gov)and the rest are honors courses. . i got an 1800 on my first SAT in sophomore year which i know isnt really good. im giving it again and will be able to get around 2000 and a 31-34 on my ACT and a near perfect score on my chem and math 1 SAT subject test. i have As in most of subjects (accelerated) right now. I might get accepted into NHS this year or for sure next year. Also going to do community service from the Mother Teresa foundation this year. what are my chances of getting into the engineering school or Purdue? my grades according to the indian grading system are pretty good but i dont how they will be when converted to the american system as the studies are much harder in india.</p>

<p>are you in indiana? pretty sure purdue is much easier to get into if you are instate</p>

<p>also, im not sure if purdue even looks at SAT subject tests</p>

<p>What other extra curriculars do you do besides service?</p>

<p>Purdue doesn’t really look at SAT II, so they are kind of pointless to send to them. You might as well not send them and save the money unless you score 750+.</p>

<p>Assuming you do get the 2000 SAT score and/or the 31 ACT, you should get in. But, I don’t know what your GPA is so, I can’t be sure. At the present time though, an 1800 SAT may not cut it, it will just depend on the applicant pool and such.</p>

<p>no im from illinois. my gpa is yet to be calculated as my grades have to be converted and everything. i think i can make a 4.2 weighted by senior year</p>