<p>Ok so I am I white female, and I have a cumulative gpa of 89 and my junior year gpa was a 92. I didn't do so well on my sats I'm not the best test taker and got a 610. 580 in math, 500 reading, 530 writing. I'm retaking the sats in jan. so hopefully they improve. I have straight a's in science and I'm taking two science courses my senior year. I forgot the mention that I'm applying for the biological science major. I do have one downfall which is a dropped caucus us because it was destroying my gpa because my teacher was absent for over a month and screwed us up. I have a high a gpa as of right now (my senior year) what do you think my chances are?</p>
<p>Stony Brook: Match (Stony Brook is notorious for using a harsh conversion scale from percentage to GPA; under that scale a 89 average converts to a 3.4 while, personally, I would have given 3.75)</p>