What are my chances of getting into TAMU Engineering?

Hi I’m an out of state student who’s interested in Civil Engineering.

My SAT score is my only really weak point with a 1290: 690 in math and 600 I’m english but I will be trying to improve it…

I have a 4.0 GPA with all honors/AP

AP Classes taken/will take by end of high school:
AP World
AP Lang
AP Calc BC
AP US Government and Politics
AP Italian
AP Chemistry

I also have done many hours of community service.

I am a member of Key Club and Patriots Club which both help the community around me.

Throughout high school I have also taken 3 college level engineering courses and other college level electives plus physics.

I also have a job working for a test prep company as an assistant.

What are my chances of getting into the Texas A&M Engineering Program?

Someone please let me know

@cooldude234 What is your class rank? TAMU looks primarily at rank and score/sub scores. They do not consider GPA unless you school does not rank, then they will assign one to you.

My school doesn’t rank, but I’m pretty sure I am in the top 10%.

The two main factors considered in admission are class rank and SAT/ACT score. Secondary to that would be GPA. All the other ancillary factors, really don’t have a whole lot of effect. This is because, with a school like Texas A&M, they’re literally processing tens of thousands of applicants every year so they can’t afford to consider every detail of an application. This isn’t to say that classes taken/volunteer hours has no bearing, it’s just not as important. They’re going to pass on you for someone with higher numbers even if they don’t have those extra attributes. That being said, you have a reasonable shot at making the Engineering program at A&M but not great. The program is nearing capacity from what I understand. I’d say it’s more likely that they offer you engineering at A&M Kingsville or some similar option.

My school doesn’t rank, but I’m definitely in the top 10%. I also thought it was a holistic review so they are looking at the whole application instead of just grades. My grades are nearly perfect it’s just my SAT that’s the only really bad part about my resume.

@cooldude234 Engineering at Kingsville is not an A&M admissions decision, so if you apply to A&M, your admissions decisions will be full admissions, Engineering at Galveston, Blinn Engineering Academy, Engineering Academy at McAllen or PSA.

A&M is looking for your calculus and physics readiness for the major. It is review for the major, but the EC’s are not what they are looking for. That is the other type of review, which is the review applicant for admission to the university, which is different than engineering review for the major.

The weaker you are, the less chance for full admissions. Or if you received it, staying in. Engineering has a high attrition rate because the freshmen classes weed out students. The 3.5 GPA for guaranteed first choice major only applies to the Apply to A Major cycle in April of freshman year. Everyone goes through the process, even if they don’t qualify to be placed in a major because they didn’t satisfy the core classes with a C or better. So, after that first cycle, the chances of getting your top 3 preferred majors goes down.

If you will only be happy with certain majors, it would be best to apply and be accepted to a university that admits directly to the major you want.

low chance. also you are out of state so that makes it harder. yes your grades may be good but the issue is that all schools are different; one school could be super easy and one school could be super hard. my point is that a 4.0 at one school could be a 2.0 at another school because that school is more rigorous and that’s what i see with your stats because there is a large discrepancy between your SAT and your grades, meaning that your school may be easy.
also tamu is a state school so they focus way more on stats than holistic review compared to the ivies and private schools.
good luck!

@yaleivyleague this isn’t an Ivy League school so u gotta chill out. My school isn’t easy as I live in New York, and I’m in all AP and Honors courses. It is just that I’m not too good at standardized testing. So you saying that my 4.0 is more like a 2.0 makes zero sense…

@trinley ^^^^

Thanks @Thelma2 do you think I have a good chance if I have that Calculus and Physics readiness??

@cooldude234 690 isn’t a strong score in math but there is always a chance to being admitted. Being a review applicant, you could be offered engineering at Galveston for your first year. It is a great program and much smaller classes and easier to find a friend group.
After you complete the core engineering requirements, you apply to your major and transition to college station for the remainder of you degree.
Whether you get into Civil Engineering solely depends on your performance your first two semesters.
Engineering is hard and it will be harder than any AP class you have had.
By the way, your freshman calculus grades are made from 3 semester exams and the final. There is homework but very little is for a grade. Maybe 10%.

@cooldude234 If TAMU assigns you a top 25% ranking you will need to get your sat up to 1360 with the appropriate sub scores in math and reading section. Otherwise you may get Blinn Team engineering which is do enrolling at Blinn junior college and TAMU for the first 1-2 years.

@trinley what if most of my core classes have already been completed? Will there still be a need to do a dual enrollment at Blinn? And yes I will be taking the SAT again to get a higher score. I thought you only needed that for automatic admission, when for engineering it’s based on review…

@Thelma2 I will be taking the SAT again to try and get a higher score. What if I have already completed most of the core classes before college? Will I be able to start at College Station?

@cooldude234 the first step is to get admission to the university and the best way to ensure that is to be an auto admit which is why you will need at least a 1360 and top 25% ranking. If admitted to the university you will then be reviewed for admission to engineering. If denied engineering you will have an opportunity to apply to a different major. As for your core classes being completed in HS, I don’t think that has any bearing on what offer you receive Blinn team or full admission. Bottom line, if your SAT score comes up and you are ranked in top 25% I would say you have a good shot.

@cooldude234 In addition to the wise advice trinley mentions, if you have most of the university core classes complete, you won’t be a good candidate for Blinn or McAllen Engr Academy, depending on how many hours you have if they are Dual Credit. If AP, you will only accept a credit as it is needed. Blinn or McAllen Engr Academy the basics included to be taken there and only 1 or two classes, for max 6 hours, on the A&M campus, while co enrolled. If you have credit for these through DC, you will have to transfer them and having credit will make an unlikely applicant to be offered Blinn or McAllen Engr Academy.

I believe you must have a 5 in AP AB and a 4 in AP BC to be able to accept credit for Calculus. If you do claim AP credit for them or have dual credit for Calculus I & II, you will be required to take 2 additional math classes on Campus. The additional math classes are 251, 253, 304, 308; CSCE 222 (Discrete Math) your first semester before being eligible to Apply to a Major.

@Thelma2 so basically what you’re saying is most likely I wouldn’t be asked to do co-enrollment if I have fulfilled the majority of the core classes and finished all my chemistry and calculus?

@cooldude234 When you say fulfilled, what classes do you have complete that are Dual Credit and what AP classes have you taken the AP test for and what is the score. Not your grade in the class but the score on the AP test.

@Thelma2 I have only taken AP World which I got a 4 in, but I’m taking a lot of AP’s this year and next year because I’m only a junior.

@cooldude234 What AP’s are you taking this year and what AP’s next year?