What are my chances of getting into Texas Tech??

I am currently a Senior this year and I have submitted my application to them before but I got rejected. Although I got rejected I was given an opportunity to either Re-submit my application again or do a special program where I attend a community college for the summer and pass 2 classes and I automatically enrolled to Tech. In this case, I decided to Re-Submit my application again because Tech is my dream school and I honestly don’t know why I got rejected the first time. As of now I have a 3.59 GPA and ranked 130 out of 405. As a Senior I am taking AP Statistics, AP Government, AP Biology, AP Spanish Literature, and Honors English 12. My Junior year I only took AP Spanish Language/Culture and earned a 4 on my AP Exam. I am done taking my SAT Test and got 1050 as my Superscore. As for Extra Curricular, I am part of the NHS Exec board, President of the Spanish Honor Society, Member of the Science National Honor Society, Social Studies National Honor Society (RHO KAPA), and have done over 50 hrs of community service. I would love to hear some feedback and see where I went wrong and if I can fix it as quickly as possible.

@Governor21 what is your inteneded major? Also with that SAT they really look at the essays from apply Texas and recommendations. Your EC’s look good.

@BigHerms My intended major is Molecular Biology and I already did everything I had to do to get that extra boost. I got my 3 recommendations even though they said it’s not required and I also wrote an Essay on Apply Texas.

@Governor21 did you write an essay for all the topics, just not 1?

@BigHerms Only did 1 out of 3

I would see if you could go back in and do all of them

@Governor21 another option is appy udecided for your major. Better chance of getting in. A lot of students do this. My son was pre-engineering and changed his major and it was the best thing he ever did. Just know there is many options, especially at Tech. Good luck. And try and do all 3 essays, it really helps.Keep us updated on your journey