What are my chances of getting into the Decker School of Nursing at Binghamton University?

<p>I'm a high school senior who applied through Early Action but I'm really nervous about having to wait until 1/15 to get my results. I feel like I don't really have a chance of getting in. My stats are:</p>

<p>-94.97% average
-SAT 1: 560 CR, 660 M, 620 W (1220 CR+M, 1840 Total)
-SAT II: Math 1 - 620, Math 2 - 610
-Average essay
-2 letters of recommendation
-EC: UNICEF, Key Club, Red Cross
Volunteered for one of NYU's hospitals for 120+ hours
-Took honors classes and 5 AP classes all throughout high school.
-Rank 79/782 (missed top 10% by 3 slots)</p>

<p>I'm a really bad test taker :(</p>

<p>I just realized I didn’t actually submit my Math 1 Subject Test score.</p>

<p>Decker admission is kind of strange in that there are a lot of factors at play. You have a much better chance of acceptance if you are from out of state. I would apply anyway. I’m just going to tell you that if you don’t get into Decker and they offer you a spot at Harpur do not take it (if you seriously want to become a nurse). It is near impossible to transfer into Decker.</p>

<p>Ok thank you! Do you by any chance know if I have a shot for nursing at Adelphi University then? </p>

<p>I can’t speak for the nursing program but I think you have a really got shot of getting into adelphi. However, I don’t know if their nursing program admits directly (Like Bing) or if you have to take prerequisites to get admited (I know this is the case at Hunter college).</p>

<p>Seems like your scores are strong enough to shoot for some stronger schools. Advantage of EA is you haven’t committed so you can fall back on an acceptance if you don’t get into stronger schools. Puts you in a good position.</p>

<p>Thank you! Still haven’t heard back yet from either school. </p>

<p>On my status checker, under “Application Status,” it still says “Complete ready for review.”
It also appears that they’ve only accepted one SAT score even though I sent 2 sets.</p>

<p>Math 1 and Math 2 are not considered different SATs. If a school asks for 2 SAT 2’s they mean one math and something else. </p>

<p>Sorry, I meant 2 sets of SAT 1s that are out of 2400. I thought Bing superscored. </p>

<p>I got an email back… they received both of my SATs :)</p>


<p>Thank you so much for your help!</p>

Did u hear back? I’m instate with very similar GPA , slightly higher ACT score (equal to around a 2050 on the sat) with less volunteer hours than you and I recently got in so I’d say you probably have a good chance :slight_smile:

Hi BCnursinghopeful, Congratulations on your acceptance! It appears that Bing still hasn’t reviewed my application yet. It still says “Complete ready for review” on my status checker. Thank you for sharing a glimmer of hope with me though! :slight_smile:

Have any other people who applied to nursing heard back?

I think I just got deferred…

I was deferred today

I was deferred

@anonye @wormer97‌ @UniGirl2019‌ when did your statuses change? Were you emailed about your deferral?