What are my chances of getting into the honors college?

<p>Hey! So I’ve never really done this sort of thing before but I finished my application last week and the anticipation is killing me! I figured you guys might be able to help me see where I stand. Thanks!</p>

<p>[ *] College: Engineering
[ *] ACT: 30 (with writing)
[ *] GPA: Unweighted 3.7, Weighted 4.1
[ *] Course load (# of AP/IB/H, special courses, etc.): I’ve taken honors math and science every year. I took honors Spanish last year. 2 APs (Chemistry & Calc AB)
[ *] Rank: Top 15% of my class, out of 550
[ *] Hook (legacy, recruited athlete, etc.): None
[ *] State or Country: In State
[ *] Ethnicity: White
[ *] Gender: M
[ *] Major Strength/Weakness: I’ve had a ton of leadership experience. I’m on the board of my religious youth group and also participate in other religious programs. I also worked at a summer camp this past summer. I’ve never done any community service worth noting, though, and I don’t have any academic honors or awards.</p>

<p>Update: I didn’t make it :’(</p>

<p>Honors at UofA is tough to get into, whereas ASU Barrett is comparatively easier (many more kids), consider if you attend UofA doing Freshman Class Council (FCC), great way to get with good students and gain influence with time and get to know about smaller class sizes for reg classes.</p>

<p>@Challezar‌ You didn’t get accepted at all or just into the honors college? Sorry to hear you’re disappointed. Your stats seem really good to me!</p>

<p>I’m surprised you didn’t get in; I would have expected that you would have. I’m sorry for the disappointment.</p>

<p>@Challezar‌ You can still apply for additional review. From <a href=“http://www.honors.arizona.edu/future-students/faq”>http://www.honors.arizona.edu/future-students/faq&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The Freshman Review Process—This process is for students who were considered for Honors admission when they applied to UA but were not initially admitted into the Honors College. Beginning in January of your senior year, you can submit additional materials including a teacher recommendation form, a 7th semester high school transcript, and 2-3 additional essays. This allows for an even more holistic and personal review of your application. Please check this website in late December for more information on how to submit a Freshman Review application.</p>

<p>@Englishman‌ I am working on my Barrett application right now and I am hoping I get into that, but if I do end up going to UA I’ll check out FCC!</p>

<p>@SoCalGIrl97 @MidwesternHeart Thanks :slight_smile: It’s not the end of the world since I still got into the university itself and I qualified for their awesome wildcat promise scholarship, but it did still surprise me nevertheless.</p>

<p>@Beaudreau I will definitely apply for the freshman review. I’m also retaking the ACT in December so I’m hoping that will improve my chances for acceptance. </p>