What are my chances of getting into UC Berkeley?

<p>Hello, I was just wondering what my chances are of getting into the following colleges:</p>

<li>University of California - Berkeley</li>
<li>Georgia Institute of Technology</li>
<li>Stanford University</li>
<li>University of Florida</li>

<p>I am an Asian male with the following credentials:</p>

<li>Unweighted GPA: 3.88 (4pt scale)</li>
<li>Weighted GPA: 4.74 (5pt scale)</li>
<li>Unweighted Class Rank: 56/500 </li>
<li><p>Weighted Class Rank: 39/500</p></li>
<li><p>SAT Score: 2150 (I plan to retake)</p></li>
<li><p>ACT Score: 31 (I plan to retake) </p></li>
<li><p>Course History:</p></li>
<li><p>Freshman Year</p>

<li>Pre-IB Algebra II</li>
<li>Pre-IB Biology I</li>
<li>Pre-IB English I</li>
<li>Pre-IB World History</li>
<li>Pre-IB Spanish II</li>
<li>Pre-IB Inquiry Skills</li>
<li>Debate I</li>
<li><p>Sophomore Year</p>

<li>Pre-IB Geometry/Trigonometry</li>
<li>Pre-IB Chemistry</li>
<li>Pre-IB Physics I</li>
<li>Pre-IB English II</li>
<li>IB American History</li>
<li>Pre-IB Spanish III</li>
<li>Debate III</li>
<li>Junior Year</li>
<li>IB Calculus AB (HL)</li>
<li>IB Biology II (HL)</li>
<li>IB Physics II (HL)</li>
<li>IB English Composition</li>
<li>IB European History</li>
<li>IB Spanish IV</li>
<li>IB Theory of Knowledge/Research</li>
<li>AP Microeconomics</li>
<li>AP Macroeconomics</li>
<li>Senior Year</li>
<li>IB Mathmatics (HL)</li>
<li>IB Biology III (HL)</li>
<li>IB Physics III (HL)</li>
<li>IB English Composition</li>
<li>IB Contemporary History</li>
<li>IB Spanish V</li>
<li>IB Theory of Knowledge/Research</li>

<li>Future Business Leaders of America - Vice President
I help lead our school's FBLA Club by scheduling times for the club to meet and practice for local/national competitions as well as helping members to get ready for competitions. I contribute anywhere between 5-7 hours a week depending on the tournament level and team availability. </li>
<li>Robotics Team (FIRST) - Lead Programmer
I am the lead programmer for our school's FIRST Tech Challenge robotics team. It is my job to program the robot using RobotC for the competition every year. In the weeks prior to an actual tournament, I contribute about 15 hours. </li>
<li>Debate Team - Public Forum Debate Leader
I help teach and lead the Public Forum Debate (PFD) branch of our team. This involves both teaching the art of Public Forum Debate to incoming members and practicing with them in order to help them hone their skills. I contribute, on average, 5-10 hours per week depending on the tournament. </li>
<li>Math Honor Society - Secretary</li>
<li>Science Honor Society - Treasurer</li>

<li>Appointed Treasurer for National Science Honor Society - 2012 (2 years involvement)</li>
<li>Inducted into National Science Honor Society - 2011</li>
<li>Appointed Secretary for National Math Honor Society - 2012 (3 years involvement)</li>
<li>Inducted into National Math Honor Society - 2011</li>
<li>Inducted into National Honor Society - 2011 (2 years)</li>
<li>Inducted into National Spanish Honor Society - 2011 (2 years)</li>
<li>Appointed Lead Programmer for the Robotics Team - 2012 (3 years involvement)</li>
<li>Public Forum Debate (4 years involvement)</li>
<li>CFL Grand Finals Tournament Public Forum Debate: National Qualifier - 2012 </li>
<li>FGCCFL Public Forum Debate: 2rd Place - 2012 </li>
<li>FGCCFL Public Forum Debate: 3rd Place - 2012</li>
<li>FGCCFL Public Forum Debate: 3rd Place - 2011</li>
<li>FFL Novice State Public Forum Debate: Double Octofinalist - 2010</li>
<li>Appointed Vice President of Future Business Leaders of America - 2011 (2 years involvement)</li>
<li><p>Community Service
Moffitt Cancer Center - Clinical Research Unit Volunteer (2 summers) ~ 180hrs
I am required to help the nurses in aiding the research patients, this includes stocking necessary equipment in order to prepare for treatment of the patient, and aiding in the transportation of laboratory samples/specimens. I must also ensure that the patients needs are met with regards to both comfort and physical well-being. Apart from physically aiding the unit, I am also required to help file and organize paperwork for incoming/outgoing patients. I am responsible for completing any assigned task deemed appropriate and necessary by the staff.</p></li>

<p>The Palms of Largo: Assisted Living - Volunteer (1 summer) ~ 50hrs
I was required to help ensure the safety of the assisted residents, report complaints and irregularities, and overall help to entertain and help facilitate ongoing activities for the residents whether it was organizing an event or ensuring the utmost safety.</p>

<p>Other Opportunities:
Executive Internship Program: USF St. Petersburg Ecosystems Technology Group (85 hours)
In this internship, I had the opportunity to work with the members of the Ecosystems Technology Group at USF. Through this internship I gained a better understanding of the application of biological engineering in the real world. I believe that this internship benefited me by allowing me to test the extent of my knowledge and work with the team of professionals to create a bathymetric map of a nearby lake as well as creating a plan of execution to deploy a mass spectrometer to see how the lake was affected on a microscopic level. In addition to the actual field work, I also helped the researchers by writing a very brief analysis on the technology readiness level of mass transfer based non-acoustic sensors as a part of a larger work. Overall, this internship introduced me to the advanced topics I will cover as a biomedical engineer in college.</p>

<p>What are my chances? Thank you in advance!</p>

<p>100 % accepted into everything besides Stanford</p>

<p>Not sure about the other colleges but I’ll comment on UCB and Stanford.</p>

<p>Are you planning on the engineering field? For UCB that is a pretty tough college to get into (according to my friends who got in this past year) and it’s one of the more competitive sides of UCB.
Your unweighted and weighted GPAs are fine but I would try and raise your SAT/ACT. Do you have SAT II or AP scores? They’ll look at that.</p>

<p>I would say you have a pretty average chance at UCB but Stanford may be pretty tough. I’ll put it as a mid to high reach since your standardized test scores may be dragging you down.</p>

<p>Thanks for the insightful advice</p>

<li>@musiclover4: IB Exams coming up and planning to take Math II and Biology AP Subject Tests if I get the chance. I plan on retaking the SAT and ACT, but most people think that I am safe with the scores I have now (not that I feel the same confidence, lol).</li>

<p>In addition, are my ECs and Community Service good? If so, will I be weighted a little higher? Also the rigor of my courses is intense (As you can tell by my weighted GPA), I am the only person in my year who takes that course combination at my school, on top of that I still have time to assume a variety of leadership positions and internship work. Will this help boost my (relatively) low SAT ACT scores?</p>


<p>Could someone give me a description of a “guaranteed” under-graduate student at UC Berkeley (engineering) that comes from out of state?</p>