What are my chances of getting into UCI?
-Mexican descent
-First generation American
-First to go to college in my family
-Unweighted GPA: 3.472
-UC Capped GPA: 3.938
-UC W GPA: 4.063
-Class rank: top 25%
-Highest SAT: 1010 (580 Evidence Based Reading and writing, 430 Math)
-Highest ACT: 16
-Took 1 AP my 10th grade year: AP World History
-3 AP’s Junior year: AP English Language and Comp., AP Bio., and APUSH
-3 AP’s Senior year: AP English Literature and Comp., AP Micro Econ., and AP Psychology
-All my other classes are mostly Honors starting my 9th grade year in HS
-I am in a (Gifted STEM) Magnet program as well.
I don’t have much extracurricular actives or sports. All I have is:
-Perfect Attendance Award (9th grade)
-CAHSEE Awards for Proficiency in both English and Math (10th grade)
-Certificate for Confirmation into the Roman Catholic Church (10th grade)
-2016 Breast Cancer Walk (12th grade)
-Also, I attempted to donate blood but i wasn’t able to in the end because of my high blood pressure
I know my stats and EC activities aren’t impressing, but I would still appreciate an honest opinion, thank you 
Your UC GPA is within range but test scores are low in comparison. You are grasping for legitimate EC’s like perfect attendance? Donating blood? Sorry not EC’s. Why the lack? Did you have to work?
What is your intended major?
Although UC’s are GPA focused, you have little else to recommend that you would succeed. UCI is a Low Resch. First generation may help. Race not considered.
Plan to retake the SAT or ACT for better chances.
Good luck and apply widely with some solid safety schools on your list.
The best way to determine where you stand at least with your stats is to check the UC Freshman profile and common dataset.
This is the Freshman profile for 2016:
GPA and test scores of middle 25%-75% students
High School GPA: 3.93 - 4.22
ACT Composite Score: 25 - 32
SAT Critical Reading: 530 - 670
SAT Mathematics: 590 - 740
As you can see your GPA is near the 25th percentile and your test scores are below the 25th percentile. You want to be around the average (50th percentile) or higher for the best chances.
What other schools do you have on your list? Add UCR and UCSC and some Cal States if you are a California resident.
California public universities are not allowed to consider ethnicity; its against the law to use affirmative action for admission.
The following is harsh, but you need to see the reality for what it is:
The UC’s are extremely competitive, not just for instate residents but also for students from outside of our state.
Your stats do not appear to be competitive for the UC’s. Your scores indicate that you won’t be able to keep up with the pace of the UC’s, in math and English courses. College courses, cover multiple concepts and go extremely fast in the quarter system at the UC’s. That’s 10 weeks to prove that you have grasped hundreds of pages of materials and lectures. Multiply that by 5 with labs. Even the best students have trouble keeping up and balancing everything.
EC’s are things you’ve done outside of the school day to show your community involvement: sports teams, clubs, volunteering consistently at a specific social agency, working a job, tutoring, Scouts, participating in a community band or orchestra.
Perfect attendance, just means you showed up because you were supposed to.
Donating blood? Did you set up that event through your club?
Try local cal states and community colleges.