What are my chances of getting into UCLA or UC Berkeley

Hello I am a white female who is a senior in high school class of 2017. UCLA is my dream school and I have worked my hardest throughout high school in order to get in. I also love UC Berkeley. Please give me feedback and honestly tell me what my chances of getting into these schools are. These are my credentials:

Weighted GPA out of 4: 4.26
ACT Composite: 26
Writing: 32
English: 28
Math: 25
Science: 27
Reading: 25
Class rank: 3/105

Senior Course Schedule:

All A’s throughout high school
65+ volunteer hours

Volleyball 2 years
Soccer 2 years
National Spanish Honor Society
State Scholar
Math team
FCCLA (Volunteering)
Vice President of Student Body

nursing home, church, school

led student body retreat
work leader
captain of volleyball team

Plenty of work experience

Berkeley requested recommendation letters after I submitted my app.

In my essays I wrote about the passion I have to become a doctor and the struggles of physical illnesses that I overcame. I also discussed my leadership and ability to lead others and help.

Is your weighted GPA, your UC GPA capped/weighted or Fully weighted? https://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/

Intended major?

Are you a CA resident? If not there is no financial aid at any UC. Can you pay $60,000 per year?

Your ACT is worryingly-low, but the LoR request from Berkeley means that they’re willing to let you in. And although you haven’t provided your UC GPA, it’s probably capped as high as it can go. What do you want to major in? A pre-med track? I’d say your chances at both are in the low-to-mid reach range, between 25 and 40%.

The sticking point at the UCs is, of course, finances. If you’re not a Californian, then your parents would have to come up with $60,000 a year; there’s no aid.

I’m not sure how to figure out my UC GPA. And also I come from a low income family… are there scholarships? And my intended major is biology/biomedical/pre med !

Your Stats would not make you eligible for scholarships which are few and given to the top 1% of applicants, but if you are California resident that is low income, the UC’s can be generous with need based financial aid.
Have you run the Net Price Calculators on these schools? This will give you an idea of their costs but if you are not a California resident then expect to pay full costs as stated in the above posts.

Regarding the UC GPA, you can PM me with your classes and grades and I can help but still need to know if you are a California resident or not.

Thank you! I know my scores are really low but since Berkeley asked for LOR do you think I have a shot of getting accepted?

Getting an LOR request for UCB means you are in the maybe pile, so you are being considered which is a good sign. If you are accepted, will UCB be affordable?

I dont know… im just worried about getting accepted first


You’re putting the cart before the horse, then. It doesn’t matter if you get accepted or not if you can’t afford it. You still haven’t said if you’re a California resident or not – again, if you don’t live in California, you would pay $60,000 a year to go to any of the UCs, and there are no scholarships for out-of-state students.

I’m out of state student but I think my family would be able to find a way to pay. I have wealthy grandparents that would probably also contribute

Wait, so are you from a “low-income family” or not? I’m really worried that you’ve been blinded by the prestige of Berkeley to the point that you aren’t realistically considering your chances and your financial situation. Can your family “find a way to pay” $240,000 ($60,000 times 4 years) for your college education, with no help from the university? Can they take on the massive amounts of debt that federal loans would entail? Fill out this price calculator: https://saservices.berkeley.edu/calculator/Dependent.aspx

If you and your family can’t afford a school without clearing out your savings and selling the clothes off your backs, then you can’t really afford it, and you need to forget about going there. Look up the universities in your state and run the calculators on their sites. College isn’t about where you go, it’s about what you learn. I’m sure you’ll do just as fine without chaining yourself to a $2,000 per month loan repayment for the next 30 years.