what are my chances of getting into University of Miami?

<p>Junior from Arizona (Phoenix area)</p>

<p>Current unweighted GPA: 3.3
Current weighted GPA: 3.8
By the time I graduate, I will have taken 7 AP courses and 6 honors courses.
My school doesn't rank. Or maybe they just don't tell us until senior year.
First Generation College Student
Multiracial (Hispanic/White)

<p>Test Scores:
Just took my SAT today, but on the practice I got about 1880. I took a prep course so I'm hoping for 2000.
I'm also taking my ACT in February. I got a 29 on the practice, I'm hoping for a 30.</p>

<p>Religious Extracurriculars:
Junior year-President of Temple Chai Temple Youth (TCTY, a Jewish youth group)
Sophomore Year-Programming Vice President of TCTY
Senior year-I will most likely be Regional President of the Southwest Region of the National Federation of Temple Youth (NFTY-SW, a large affiliation made up of Jewish youth groups like TCTY from Arizona, Las Vegas, New Mexico, and Texas)
All years-Hebrew High School Student (attend two hours of class every week on topics such as Israel, the Holocaust, etc. Students who complete Hebrew High School receive a special diploma upon graduation)
Six years of Jewish summer camp, including two summers of LTP (Leadership Training Program)
Sophomore year-Youth Endowment Board (the board is given a sum of money and is in charge of determing which charities to distribute the money to)</p>

<p>Athletic Extracurriculars:
Four years of school softball (1 year Freshman, 2 years JV, 1 year Varsity)
Three years of club softball
One year of school basketball</p>

<p>Musical Extracurriculars:
Piano lessons for 10 years
Taught myself guitar (I am also a songleader in NFTY-SW)</p>

<p>Work Experience:
Temple Chai (Tutor, Administrative Assistant) September 2006-May 2007, July 2009-October 2009 (seasonal position)
Safeway (Grocery Store, Courtesy Clerk) June 2007-August 2008
Starbucks (Barista) June 2009-October 2009 (going back to work after this semester and planning to work all senior year)
Camp Charles Pearlstein (Camp Counselor) June 2010-August 2010</p>

<p>School Clubs/Societies:
National Honors Society-Junior/Senior
Society of Women's Scholars-Junior/Senior
Spanish Honorary Club-Sophomore/Junior/Senior
(may run for an officer of one or two of these clubs for senior year)
65 Roses Club (Cystic Fibrosis)-All years
Founder of Camp Swift Club (explained below)</p>

<p>Community Service:
Camp Swift (about 1500 hours)-Camp Swift is a summer camp for underprivileged inner-city children from the Phoenix area. The camp is planned and run by Jewish teenagers who volunteer their time not only during the summer, but throughout the year to plan camp and raise money. (These hours include 12 sessions of camp plus planning and fundraising throughout all four years)
I have participated in other community service projects including playing the piano for retirement home residents, assembling toiletry baskets for Hurricane Katrina victims, volunteering at food banks and homeless shelters, and American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. These other activities add up to roughly 200 hours total.</p>

<p>Other Important (or maybe not important?) Factors:
-I will be paying for my own college/graduate school
-My cousin is my legal guardian. My mother died when I was seven and I don't know who my father is. I'm hoping I can use my experiences to write some compelling essays. Also, if you know of any scholarships for adopted, single-parent children, etc., that would be great!</p>

<p>I'd like to go to medical school eventually, but I don't know if I necessarily want to major in science. I was looking at Creative Writing, Excersise Physiology, Sport Administration, or Biomedical Engineering. </p>

<p>I know this was really long. Thanks so much for your input!</p>

<p>Your chances are good. However, You should try to get a stronger SAT for scholarship. However, I would bet you would be admitted.</p>

<p>Thanks for your speedy reply! :)</p>

<p>PS-your username makes me laugh…my dad’s a tax attorney so he’s obsessed too :)</p>

<p>I’d say you have a fairly good chance…wouldn’t say its a no doubter but definitely a good chance. Good luck, hope to see you down there next year!</p>

<p>Shetrick what would the grades & SAT scores along with ECs etc need to be in order to be a no doubter?</p>

<p>you’ll get in but as someone just said get those SATs up for scholarships. just curious, how do you know your dad is a tax attorney, you said in first post you don’t know who he is ? 0_o</p>

<p>you’re not the first person to point this out haha let me explain: i have no idea what my biological father does, seeing as i don’t know him. but because i’ve been living with my cousin for the last 10 years and he is my legal guardian, i began calling him dad several years ago, and that’s who i was referring to haha.</p>

<p>update: 28 ACT, 1870 SAT (610 CR, 610 Math, 650 Writing)