What are my chances of getting into UW-Madison

Hello! I applied EA to UW-Madison, and it is my top school. I applied DA to the business school, which I am not expecting to get into, but I decided to shoot my shot. What are my chances of getting in?

GPA UW: 3.725
GPA W: 4.01
ACT: 29 (E:34, M:29, R:25, S:28)
7 AP classes (4 senior year, 2 junior year, and 1 sophomore year)
A’s in every math class and business class and in Calc AB

Wrote supplemental on business experiences like shadowing business executives over the summer and about how much I love going to the uw homecoming game every year

Editor in Chief of the school newspaper
President of the gender equality club
Link crew leader (teaches freshman about high school twice a week during lunch)
Ran school-wide fundraiser and made $300,000
Best buddies peer buddy
student council member
InterACT member
Green dot training leader
Leader in alcohol prevention club
Part-time job at fitness center
Water polo player

In state or out of state? If in state you are definitly a good competitor. OOS, you may have more trouble bc UW looks for the strongest OOS applicants possible which usually means ACT >30, but not always.

You applied EA so there isn’t anything you can do right now. Take a deep breath, relax. No matter what happens, it will turn out OK. I went through the same game last year checking here on CC 10+ times every day. It wasn’t worth it. Hang on for the next twoish weeks and Good Luck!!

On Wisconsin!