What are my chances of getting into UW, UIUC, UC irvine?

<p>These are the colleges that I really want to go:</p>

<p>-University of Washington, Seattle
-University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
-University of California, Irvine</p>

<p>I am a out of state student and i was wondering what my chances might be for these colleges.</p>

<p>so far i have completed my junior year of high school and have a....</p>

<p>-4.06 gpa (top 5% of my class)
-have taken 3 ap classes: world history, gov, eng language (going to take ap calc and bio senior year)
-1700 on sat and im going to take act later on in the near future
-played one year of soft tennis and been playing 3years on the golf team (team captain next year)
-Vice president of math club
-so far im in key club, nhs, PAAC, and math club
-i can speak 2 language
-did 100+ hours of community service</p>

<p>honestly, do u guys think i have chance of getting into these colleges?</p>