What are my chances of getting into Virginia Tech?

I am an out of state high school senior. My highschool doesn’t use a GPA on a 4.0 scale,just based on percentage out of 100 .My average is a 91.My SAT is a 1230.I plan on applying as a Business major (still undecided which specific field).I’m taking a lot of business- related classes this year (marketing class,a management class, a business administration class, and a financial math class) and have a 95 in those classes. Would that make my application look better since I’m applying as a business major?
Varsity Captain of Girls Basketball Team
Varsitt Captain of Girls Cross Country Team
Editor in Chief of Yearbook Club
President of Pro Life Club
I am in two volunteer clubs:Key Club,and Friends of Mychal Judge club
Volunteer at local hospital (filing papers,getting patients anything they need,providing directions)
Volunteer at soup kitchen (prep/serve food,clean up)
Volunteer at charity program for needy kids that provides them with necessities (baby formula,food,strollers,toys,clothing etc.)
Volunteer at annual charity golf outing (help sell raffle tickets,hold a fundraiser booth)
I hold a part time job as a waitress at a cafe for over a year

Your SAT is good, GPA a bit low but ok. ECs are great. VT loves leadership. You should have a good shot. Good luck.