What are my chances of getting into...

<p>I'm currently a junior....</p>

<p>GPA: 4.67 (school doesn't rank but am in the top 10)
SAT I - 2050 (730W, 690 CR, 630 M)
SAT II - US, Math IIC, Biology (scores not known yet)</p>

<p>Courses: AP Biology, Pre calculus HP, Anatomy, AP US History, AP Language and Composition, Physics HP</p>

<p>Next Year: AP Calc (possibly BC), AP Language and Composition, AP Chemistry, AP Government, Economics, Art, another elective</p>

<p>Sophomore: AP European History (AP score 5), HP Chemistry, Alg. 2/Trig. HP, History HP, other classes</p>

<p>Freshman year: HP courses</p>

FBLA - 10,11 (officer this and next year)
Red Cross - 11 (officer)
Soccer - JV (1 year and most inspirational award), Varsity (10 - 12 - lettered)
NHS - 10, 11 (next year)
Key Club - 9,10, 11, (and next year)</p>

Hospital: 11, 12
Library: every summer since before 10th grade</p>

day camp counselor</p>

<p>I'm considering the following universities: UCSD, UCLA, UCB, USC, Johns Hopkins, Cornell, University of Chicago, Dartmouth, Georgetown, NYU or a combined B.A/MD program. If you have any other college suggestions about possible college choices feel free to leave them and thank you soooo much!</p>

<p>Good class rank(if your class is big enough), average SATs by college confidential standards, Generic ECs</p>

<p>I don't know the UCs that well so I'll remove them
USC - slight reach
Johns Hopkins - reach
Cornell - reach
University of Chicago -reach
Dartmouth -reach
Georgetown - reach
NYU -reach</p>

<p>Any BA/MD program -reach</p>

<p>Good Luck!!</p>


<p>Assuming you are a California resident,
UCB/UCLA: Slight Reach
UCSD: Match</p>

<p>NYU is not a reach, imo - more like a reach/match.</p>

<p>USC is not so focused on your stats so if you get an interview and you're honest, you'll be fine</p>

<p>You should look at the five US Service Academies.</p>