What Are My Chances Of Getting JPL SpaceSHIP Internship?

I want to apply to the JPL SpaceSHIP Internship (JPL</a> Summer High School Internship Program (SpaceSHIP)).
The only thing is that it is REALLY COMPETITIVE to get in. So can you guys chance me?
If it matters I'm in the 9th grade and have until next summer between 10th and 11th grade
to first apply.</p>

<li>Experience With C++ (Beginner Level)</li>
<li>Experience With Python (Beginner Level)</li>
<li>4.0 all through middle school & most likely 9 and 10th grade too</li>
<li>Interest in STEM career (astrophysicist or related to space)</li>
<li>Have been to an event where we built a Lego Mindstorms robot (i want to start building robots at home)</li>
<li>Extracurricular (Debate Team, California Scholarship Federation (CSF))</li>
<li>Good with technology/ can fix a computer and some other related stuff</li>

<p>So these are a few things and i'm sure there is a lot that i've missed (awards and such) but you get the idea. So can you guys tell me what my chances are AND what I should do to make myself a more competive applicant. ANY HELP APPRECIATED! :)</p>

<p>Anyone? Pleeeeeease help me…!</p>

<p>Hey dude. First of all, JPL has been discontinued this year because of funding. Secondly, it is very difficult to predict your position in a few years, because a 4.0 in Ninth grade does not in any way predict a 4.0 in later years. If you continue doing as you have been doing, you will have a good shot. I recommend you take some more AP science/math classes, especially Physics–both B and C. You probably aren’t on college confidential anymore, so I’ll message you as well.</p>

<p>Thank You for your reply Wilsun007! Yes, I will be taking most A.P. classes throughout my 4 years. I will surely work on these things and improve myself to be a better candidate. Thanks again for replying!</p>

<p>It was discontinued for 2012 but I believe it will be resumed in the future? I’m 1 year lower than dragonslayerx and am also hoping to make it between 10/11. Less EC’s as of now and no comp sci experience, but I’m trying to make it to USAMO or USAPhO.</p>