What are my chances of getting my acceptance revoked at VT for senioritis???

Ok so I got into VT (Virginia Tech) a couple weeks ago as an undergrad buisness major. I accepted my admission and put down my deposit to attend in the fall. However, My grades are definitely slipping this year I am usually a low A, B student but this year I have slacked off a shit ton and now am definitely getting a C in AP enviormental science and right now my math grade is literally a 42% but the quarter isnt over so I have hope to bring it up. However I am worried I might also end up with a C in pre-calc math. Do you think they would revoke the acceptance seeing this???

I think that since you have put down a deposit, I don’t think that they can “undo” your acceptance.

Oh yes they can revoke your acceptance. As long as your not getting straight C’s and D’s, I think you should be fine. If you only have one C in your final year, they’ll understand and they’ll still let you in :slight_smile: Just don’t slack too much!!

You can’t have a D or F, no cheating no crime. Those are immediate causes for being rescinded.
That 42 needs to go up pronto.
The C needs to move away from the danger zone, because a C is really close to a possible D. So, get it to C+ asap.
If your final semester grade in each subject is C+ C+ they won’t like it but they won’t rescind you.

Put your best effort till the end.


If you really want to get revoked, I think that you’re going to need Ds or Fs.

Honestly, I don’t think Cs will do the trick. However, there is still plenty of time to hover closer to the abyss.

The math grade is worrisome. Not only because of the grade itself but because you will need another math class or 2 for Pamplin and it’s not clear you’re going to get sufficient foundation knowledge from this class. Absolutely stay away from lower than a C and hope that they’ll let you go with 2 C’s. Also consider retaking the math class this summer at a CC, it could make your 1st semester at VT go a lot better. Don’t worry about CC credit, you want the knowledge and ability to do well on college level math tests.

no one can say with any certainty, as most people don’t seem to share when their offers do get revoked. if it were me i would call and ask to see what they say. i’d rather know my official chances now than be surprised during the summer.