What are my chances of getting to UM Frost?

My audition for Frost in a few weeks, but I wanted to know just based on my grades what are the chances of me getting into UM?

Intended Major: Classical Voice
Unweighted GPA: 3.792
Weighted GPA: 4.396
Rank: 96 out of 509
SAT: 1100ish
ACT: 26
In state or Out of State? In-State
Special Classes: 10 Honors, 10 Dual Enrollment classes (doing my senior year at Miami Dade College)
ECs and Awards: Nation Honor Society, Tri-M Music Honor Society, Directed a piece in a chorus show, Coordinating a student-run chorus show, 1,000+ volunteer hours, Multiple honor choirs (grades 10-12), Superiors at a district theatre competition (IEs) for costume design

Thank you!

Good luck. My audition is right around the corner. You have a good GPA, but your SAT and ACT might be low. Don’t worry. Concentrate on your audition. See you around.